Chapter 3

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"Wow, Kazuha, for someone who has millions of fans, you sure do know how to not be obvious."

Kazuha laughed at your statement as you got in the car, shutting the door behind you, "Would I really want to be figured out? Many people usually say they want to marry me."

You giggled as he started driving, "I get that they love you, but I think that's a bit too far."

"Think?" Kazuha sighed, "It is too far."

"Sorry, sorry." You rolled your eyes.

The moment didn't last long, Kazuha started to get serious, "I've never seen Venti cry, especially over someone else." He paused, "You must be really special to him."

"I mean, I guess? I don't know how important I was to him back then, though." You looked out the window, "I just need an explanation on why he was mad."

Kazuha sighed once more, "Because we basically LIED to him. He hates when people do that. I mean, who wouldn't? Lying breaks trust in relationships."

You looked back at Kazuha, "I get it, but I just don't know how I'll react when I'll see him."

"It doesn't matter how you react. All I bet is that he wants to see your face again. And I must say, you're very attractive." His voice was smooth, too smooth.

You blushed slightly at the compliment, "What's with the sudden compliment?"

"What? Am I not allowed to say an opinion?" You could hear the smug in his voice.

"I mean you are, but that was super random..." You replied.

The male smiled, "Well, I do mean it. Although, if Venti ever found out I was flirting with you, then he would kill me."

You giggled, "It's a thing of having a friend being taken away. But I don't mind the compliments, they raise my ego by a lot, especially since you're cute yourself."

"...Well played."

And soon, you and Kazuha reached your destination, being the studio. Okay, you were nervous.

You and Kazuha walked in, only to be greeted by Aether.

"Wow, Kazuha, you actually did it." He smirked as Kazuha closed the door to the place, "I wonder how Venti will react."

The white-haired male turned to you, "Go down this hallway and turn left. It's the very last door on the right side of that hall. That's where Venti is. He's angry at the moment, so be careful."

You nodded and started walking. You were too nervous. How would he respond to seeing you? Would he be upset?

You turned left and made your way down the hall, stopping in front on the very last door on the right, like Kazuha said. You took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping in, closing the door behind you.

"What do you want?" His voice was cold as his back was turned and slumped over, looking at a piece of paper, "If you came here to apologize about my childhood friend, then you came here for fucking nothing."

You inhaled sharply, "Actually..." You trailed off, not knowing what to say.

His back straightened at the unfamiliar voice, "Who are you? I don't recognize your voice."

"How about you turn around and see?" You said, "I promise you won't be disappointed."

Venti sighed and slowly stood up, and then turned around to face you. His eyes widened and the room went quiet. Same eyes, same nose, same face...

The shock he felt was too much.


You waved awkwardly, "Yeah, it's me, sorry to keep you waiting so long."

Time For You || Venti x Fem!Reader (Idol!AU)Where stories live. Discover now