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Some months have passed since I've seen Chibs I've contact Opie and told him I'd to come over to see my niece and nephew. That I'd not make a scene with his lady friend.

I've also been spending time with Kerriann. Since she's arrived in Stockton. She knew me quite well since I've met her and her mom and we became great friends when I spent some of my college breaks In Ireland. I had things set with Fi and other people who play big roles in Ireland. What if I or Fi ever thinks something is going to happen then I would make an important call and Kerri would come to me and I'd watch over her and take care of her. Fi had told me about her ex husband (who at the time I didn't know was Chibs) that when he was kicked outta Ireland his rights to his daughter were taken. So any and all matters involving her were dealt with by Fi.

So here we are. And I have rights to Kerri cause Fi signed them over knowing it's the only way to protect Kerri.

"Hey, Camari. can we go see my dad?" Kerri asked when we were at my place of work.

"Yea sure darling," I tell as I finished my work up and shut everything down before grabbing my things and head out.

I knew that Sthal and Jimmy were dead since Chibs and Opie killed them. so there were no worries of Jimmy trying to take Kerri away from me or attempting to harm her.

When I found out that Opie killed Stahl I was upset cause I wanted to do it but he told me that with me being pregnant that I didn't need to risk any potential harm.

So now Donna's murder is avenged.

"Ta fur daein' this, ah ken hings atween ye 'n' him arent th' best richt noo. Sae it means a lot tae me " Kerri says

"Hunny you're my daughter now and I'm gonna do any and all things I can to make you happy. and if I have to see your dad then I'll be a big girl and face him just so you can have some much needed time together."

I pulled into the lot and parked my car away from the ones that were for the garage before Kerri and I climbed out.

"Oh, My God."

I lifted my head up and watched as Gemma barreled outta the office not caring that she was being watched by some of the others.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly before pulling back and looked at me taking my appearance in.

"Since when?" she asked

"four in a half almost five months now."

"baby how come you never told me?"

"you had other things to worry about and handle. while I was taking care of my daughter."

she looked at me shocked before looking at Kerri.


I smiled as Kerri walked over and I wrapped my arm around her.

"this is my daughter Kerri Telford. and despite having Chibs name she's mine."

"you have so much to explain."

"in due time. but for now, I brought Kerri here to see her dad."

"he's under a car tinkering with it."

"Well we will be at the picnic tables so please tell him his baby girl wants to see him."

she nodded and gave me a hug before walking off to do as I asked while Kerri and I went and sat at the picnic tables.

"How do you have Chibs's daughter?"

"long story short. she's mine now." I replied,


"you'll eventually find out Tigs."

He walked off probably to tell Chibs what he had seen and heard. but it wasn't needed cause the minute Chibs seen Kerri he all but ran over and pulled her up into his arms hugging her as she hugged him back.

"Whit urr ye daein' 'ere? how come aren't ye wi' yer maw ?" I questioned

"A'm wi' mah maw " she says pointing back at me.

"Whit?" he asked

"Since you lost your rights to me do to Jimmy after he kicked you outta Ireland Mom had full rights to me and in order to protect me from Jimmy she made Camari my guardian. up till four in a half months ago. now I'm Kerriann Hensile Telford." Kerri tells him

"Sae fiona gave a' her rights o' Kerri tae ye? ?" Chibs asked

I nodded my head.

"to protect her?"

again I nodded my head.

"Thank ye"

"don't mention it."

He sat down with Kerri and they talked about what's been going on.

"Are ye going tae schuil ?" Chibs asked

"Yea I'm in the tenth grade," Kerri tells him

He looks at me

"Sae yer back at yer old place Sin a've moved back tae mines ?"

I nodded my head.

They talked a bit more while I sat there having nothing else to do.


Ta fur daein' this, ah ken hings atween ye 'n' him arent th' best richt noo. Sae it means a lot tae me - thank you for doing this, I know things between you and him aren't the best right now. so it means a lot to me 

duine bòidheach eagallach (beautiful scared man) (completed & NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now