Part 6

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POV Ranboo 

I went to go stream until I notice something off about hunnie it looked like something was behind her like a tail or something but I just ignored it and went to my room to stream and hopefully tubbo doesn't say something stupid on stream.

POV Hunnie 

I saw ranboo going to his room to stream "pop" shit shit shit my tail I have to hide it but I can't go to my room right now because they'll see my tail ok calm down hunnie you just need to try and hide it as long as you can wait ranboo does he know his staring at me I think his getting suspicious of me.

POV ranboo  

I started streaming and hunnie if I could show the chat the house she said yes there was one room she didn't want me to enter for some reason but I went with it tubbo started to shout that me and tommy were dating but we both declined that was true the chat was going crazy because first we were roommates with someone that wasn't from the dreamsmp or something and second is because tubbo and hunnie were both shouting that me and tommy were dating but hunnie stopped she said that she didn't feel good from all the shouting I was starting to get suspicious of because she had barley been yelling unlike tubbo not long after I ended the stream to see if hunnie was alright after I walked in she was sleeping but the was something hanging off the bed.

POV Hunnie

I was shouting at the stream that ranboo and tommy were dating but then I remembered that my tail was still out luckily no one saw it already I quickly made an excuse I then ran to my room" shit shit no this isn't supposed to be happening next year" I said quietly I was going into my enderstate form and I know this isn't going to be good I soon fell asleep so when I'm in my enderwalking it'll still at least be night right until I felt I tug on my tail I quickly got up and realized that ranboo had tug on my tail" ranboo what are you doing in here".

No one POV

" hunnie why do you have a tail" ranboo said in a shocking voice hunnie knew one of them was going to find out but this quickly" w-what do you mean" hunnie you know that I saw that tail" ok fine you see I am a enderman" hunnie said in of a kind of a worried voice " h- how is that possible!?" well you see when I got abandon here someone took me to a lab and experimented on with stuff that they had made, I was only 9, and no matter how loud I screamed no one ever found until one day a little boy came I think he belonged to one of the scientist, and he saw how old I was he felt bad for so he opened the door for me to escape but I only had one final needle that would stop me from enderwalking... but please don't tell anyone about this because if people knew about me I'll be taken back to lab" hunnie I won't tell anyone I promise" thank you ranboo" hunnie said tearing up as they hugged " you remind me of that boy know go be with you boyfriend I'll be fine I just need to sleep" hunnie said while lying back down ranboo left the room and saying to the others that she just needed some rest.

POV Tommy 

It was in the middle of the night when I heard a door creak I went to check it out hunnie was at the front door or at least I think it was hunnie they were about nearly 10 feet tall! I went closer until I realized it had a charcoal black skin, it was almost  like ranboo's skin? I looked closer the eyes were purple but they were glowing and there was ender partials like endermans now I'm starting to think that enderman are real I went closer then stopped because it like teleported somewhere I looked for but couldn't find it until I looked behind me. 

sorry I have to finish it here because I missed something really important

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