~A New Counselor?~

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Y/N= Your Name
H/C= Hair Color
Y/G= Your Gender
F/F= Favorite Food
C/C= Clothes Choice
B/T=Body Type
Chapter One
~A New Counselor?~
By: Tommy
I woke up at 4am, first day of my new work! Yayyy.....my eyes were drooping due to just waking up, especially at such a early hour too, I got up honestly just ready to pass out again "Mghh.." I groaned,  stumbling to my closet and pulling out C/C and slipping them on, looking in the mirror I fixed my H/C hair, sighing as I just walked off, grabbing some koolaid and chugging it down as if it were my last day to drink shit. I grabbed my keys, heading for the front door at a rather slow pace, my body still half asleep
Timeskip: 5:30AM
I sat in my car, driving down a rather bumpy road, looking for the "Camp Campbell" sign, continuing to drive just before turning down the road with the sign, it being more...and when I say more I mean WAY more bumpy than the other  road I had just driven along , driving until I saw a parking lot , pulling in and pulling my keys out of my car,  then stepping out heading to the gate(ish), sign with "Camp Campbell" but the bell was worn off. I stepped over, looking around for a moment before seeing a man, with more of brown red hair and green eyes and a yellow scarf, wearing a green shirt with a darker green shirt , wearing reddish brown shorts with white socks which had some stripes on the top, also wearing brown boots, if you can even call them that..
David's POV
I walked around camp, almost ready to get the kids up in 30 minutes , turning to see a Y/G standing, I stiffened up in suprise wasnt expecting Y/N to show up so early gee! I quickly stammered out something "Hello! Welcome to Camp Campbell, I'm guessing your name is Y/N?" I smiled softly, when Y/G nodded in response,  pulling them to the counselors cabin "Let's get you your uniform Y/N!!" I was overly excited for the new counselor,  we were expecting another counselor that goes by Daniel, but he hadn't shown up yet!
Timeskip: 6:00AM
David has given me my uniform, it was quiet comfortable to be honest! I had walked out with David, following him basically all the time since I was a bit nervous because I didn't even know my way around yet, I did atleast know where the main areas were, I walked behind David as he called out everyone to come out of their tents.
David's POV
I called out everyone "GOOOOOOOD MORNING CAMPERS! Today we will be doing arts and crafts with Dolph!!!!" In response you could basically hear almost everyone groan except Dolph , Spacekid, Ered and Nerris, They were quiet nice when it came to doing thing with other campers not grumpy or mean like a certain camper named Max
Max's POV
The small boy, stamped out "Hey shit head" I glared at David, ready to make fucking chaos in this shit place of a excuse for a camp.
The End Of Chapter One!
Hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter,
Sorry it's so short I was tired ^^
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Word count: 569

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