A Special Bounty

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Oh this wasn't good.

He knew when Karga messaged him about a specialty bounty that something was...different.

Taking one look at the client, he knew then that this bounty was going to be a pain.

"Ahh, so this is the hunter you told me about, Greef?"

"Yes, this is Mando. He's one of the best hunter's in the guild."

The older man shifted in his seat, "Yes I'm quite sure he is but can you do delicate work too? This job requires some delicacy."

He nodded, "If you want delicate, I can manage, as long as I'm the only one holding a puck."

Karga chuckled, "Don't worry. Specialty bounties like this one only give out one puck."

"Good, now what do you need me to do?" He leveled the stony gaze of his helmet at the man.

The man in question motioned him to sit and when he did, they leaned close, sliding a flimsi towards him.

"I need you to acquire someone for me. A girl by the name of Veile. Telana Veile. She is...delicate to say the least and will require a delicate hand."

Din picked the flimsi up and studied the girl's face. She was plain-faced with pale blonde hair. She was a cute kid. "So who is she?"

"My daughter."

"So this is a rescue?"

The man sighed, "Not quite. She is...innocent to how the galaxy works and does not understand the danger she is in. That is where you come in...I need you to lead her away from this situation as delicately as possible."

"What's to happen if delicate doesn't work?"

Din watched the man nervously pick at his hands. Something was up.

"If that happens, you are not to let any harm come to her. She is important, greatly so."

"It may up my price if it goes south."

"I do not care about price. I want her back safely."

That struck him more like a father worried for his child's safety.

"Alright. I'll take the job but I get half pay up front."

The man waved him off, "Of course, I will transfer the funds immediately and if you need to bring another in on this, do so with caution as Telana must be acquired with care."

Mando nodded and stood. He already had one person in mind.

/ - / - / - /



"NO. I have other things more important that rescuing some daddy's girl from a bad decision." Boba turned and stalked away from him.

"Its 50,000 credits."

That stopped him.


Din grinned under his helmet. "Fifty thousand credits, for one kid. We'll split it...twenty-five for both of us. Deal?"

Fett chuckled, "What's the details?"

"The man was adamant that this was a delicate situation and to treat it as such but if things went south, we were just to protect her and get her out."

"With the both of us, it may go bad from the start."

Mando pointed at him, "That's why I'm going in undercover first. To see how bad the situation actually is. Something about the old man was off. It's an odd bounty for the amount of credits."

Odd BountyWhere stories live. Discover now