Chapter 2: Troublesome Toad

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Mario: Argh..... I swear when I get my hands on Toad, he's gonna wish he didn't mess with me!

Peach: Calm down Mario, I don't think Toad meant to do it intentionally....

Luigi: Yeah, and after all Toad is a pretty nice guy, he wouldn't hurt us on purpose....

Peach: Yea! See Mario, maybe Bowser threatened him to tell him!

Mario: Well...... maybe I guess, he has been such a good friend lately, well let's just go over to the post office and see if he's still there, so he can explain himself...

Peach: Alright, just give me a sec, let me grab my jacket from my room

Mario: Okay, but make it quick, we gotta hurry before the post office closes!

Peach: Alright Mario...!

Peach runs up the stairs and heads to her room and grabs her favorite pink, leather jacket from her coat rack and runs back downstairs. Already to go!

Luigi: Finally, you took forever!

Peach: Ugh, shut up Luigi, you're so annoying!

Luigi: Whatever you say, drama queen!

Peach: First of all, I'm a princess and second of all, you're so fucking annoying!

Luigi: Whatever!

Mario: Are you guys done arguing yet? Come on guys, hop into my kart outside

Luigi: Okay, but I'm driving this time!

Peach: Um.. No way! You bumped us into a wall last time, remember! I think I should drive!

Luigi: No way should Peach drive! She always texts and drives, she'll eventually get us into a car accident!

Mario: I think it'll be a whole lot safer if I just drove!

Luigi and Peach: Oh fine....

Mario, Luigi, and Peach enter the kart and Mario races them to the local Post Office. They exit the kart and head inside the Post Office.

Captain Toad: Ah! If it isn't Mario and the gang, I'm guessing you're looking for Toad, right?

Mario: Yeah!

Peach: Hold on a second, did you just say Mario and the gang, I have a name you know! Btw, it's Peach, thank you very much....

Captain Toad: If I do recall Toad is in the back room with Toadette

Mario: Okay, thanks Captain Toad, have a good day!

Captain Toad: Same to you Mario and the gang............ Oh yeah, and Peach!

Peach: Ugh........

Mario, Luigi, and Peach head into the back room where they're greeted by Toadette.

Toadette: Oh my gosh! Hey guys! You never said you were coming to visit!

Mario: Well.... We kind of have something to talk about with your brother...

Toadette: Ooooh, did he do something bad?

Luigi: You could say that...

Toadette: Tell me! Tell me! What did he do?

Mario: You'll know in due time kiddo, but where's Toad at? Captain Toad said he'd be in the back

Toadette: Um, I just saw him a second ago, give me a sec I'll go find him

Mario: Okay

Toadette runs off deeper into the back room and comes back with Toad.

Toad: Hey dudes and dudets, Toadette told me you had something to tell me!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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