night drama!

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 Olympia and Otis went to bed at normal time  10:30 knowing that they would not have any drama but little did they know that the twins haven't learnt  to sleep all night so 12:00 came and the twins were awake crying and they both didn't know what to do, Otis and Olympia were calm about it all but they are also learning they know small things but not a lot so the night was going to be difficult. This was their first time not sleeping all night  . 2 am came and the twins are still awake crying. Otis an Olympia sat on the lounge with oona and Oscar  and said stressed out but calm   "partner what are we going to do? we have done everything to get them to sleep, we have changed their nappies, fed them, played with them  what else are we meant to do?" "i have an idea!" Olympia said tired grabbing their prams "Let's wheel them up and down the street." " It's 3:45 am we are meant to be asleep but if the twins are going to sleep then we should do that". So poor tired Otis and Olympia put the twins in their prams and wheeled them around around the block but they kept on crying they did that 14 times but they still cried. Once they made it home they both  thought of an idea so they  kept calm and put them in the car seat and Olympia realized that nothing is open at this time of night, she said to Otis who was almost about to cry "hey Otis don't cry it's all going to be ok, nothing is open but remember what you told me at the store. you said partner this is a challenge our biggest case yet! We need to take the twins step by step remember when we had to look  after baby genius". "Yeah you ran off i had to be with him i didn't know what to do he kept on crying but we remembered what Ms O said we can use him as an opportunity not as a problem and he told us division for Marty marmalade's latest clue anyways, let's take them out of the car give them pacifiers and rock them to sleep and we can  quietly talk to each other." Olympia said "that's a great idea! you have baby Oona I'll take Oscar". So Otis and Olympia  took the twins out of their car seats when Olympia almost slipped holding Oscar lucky Otis had oona in her car seat and held Oscar's head and carried him. Once they got inside Olympia cried Otis said "hey partner it's not your fault we are both under pressure lets calm down and rock Oona and Oscar to sleep with their pacifiers in there mouth. once they did that they chatted about the first time they ever met each other and what happened in the odd squad movie they were in  they had a great time.

Otis and Olympia's case to raise twins!!!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now