An unexpected encounter

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Ms. Joke POV


It was a day like any other. I woke up to my alarm at 5:00. I could hardly open my eyes, since yesterday I was grading papers until 1AM.

'Gee, 4 hours of sleep?'

I sighted and forced myself to get off the bed. 5 more minutes and I would stay there for another 4 hours. I got off the bed, ate some breakfast and took a quick shower. I got off with a towel, dried and brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and went to put my clothes on.

I put on my sleevless dark blue shirt and my buttoned collar, then, my corset with the three yellow smiley faces and my puffed shorts with orange and green stripes. After I put my silver belt and my yellow gloves with the golden plates, my black boots and last but not least, my all favourite orange bandana.

I grabbed my bag and made my way to Ketsubutsu high school. It was still early so I was walking slowly enjoying the morning air.

As I was walking, I passed by someone familiar, a pale man with long black messy hair, that fell to his eyes. He wore a ragged and baggy black shirt and baggy black pants that were tucked in into his also black boots. Around his waist was a utility belt and around his neck was a grey scarf that covered half if his face, that face with the unkept facial hair and with the tired eyes with eyebags.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look what the cat dragged in at.. uh, 5:47 in the morning! How are you doing today Eraser!"

Shota Aizawa POV


I turned around, obviously annoyed, and saw the sea-green haired woman with the dark green eyes coming up to me, waving with a big and wide smile. I could already tell she would start annoying me with her jokes.

"Joke, it is unbelievably early for me to deal with you."

"Oh come on Eraser! It's another beautiful morning! Where is your smile at?!"

"It *was* another beautiful and *quiet* morning. Until you intruded."

"HAHA! Don't be such a downer! Anyway as much as I would love to sit and talk with you boyfriend, I have to go to the school, see ya!"

"I'm not your- *Sigh* forget it.."

After we both turned around making our way to the schools, I heard her again.


I was extremely annoyed, and it was visible, but I guess she wasn't getting the hint.

"I just remembered! When will we do the joint training we were talking about after the provisional licensing exam ended!? You never answered my calls!"

'I wonder why..'

"At this point I have no idea, you can decide"

"Okay then, tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow? Like tomorrow tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow tomorrow! Why? Are you busy?"

"Not really, I am just weirded out that you want it so early"

"The earlier the better Eraser! See ya tomorrow!"

"Yes.. see you.." I sighted and rolled my eyes, heading to the school and hearing Joke behind me just laughing to herself for whatever reason. I didn't really care, but I knew tomorrow.. Was gonna be a loooooooong day..."

I arrived at the school, the bell rang, and the day.. Started..

3rd person POV

As Aizawa was heading to Class 1-A, to his right came Present mic and to his left Midnight. They had a strange look on their faces.

"What's the matter?" Aizawa questioned, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh nothing" Said midnight. "Just saw you with Ms. Joke outside having a.. I will assume 'friendly chat'.

'Now that explains the look on their faces' Aizawa thought

"It just so happened that she was passing UA while going to Ketsubutsu Academy. She told me about the Joint training we agreed on. Tomorrow." Aizawa said while leaving a regretful groan.

"Oh don't be a total bum yo! It's a chance to get closer to her!" Mic said, raising his eyebrows.

"Mic, I don't want to get close to her. You two need to stop thinking I like her" said Aizawa.

"We don't think so, we know so." Midnight said with a cocky face.

Aizawa groaned as they finally were in front of 1-A. Present Mic and midnight waved at Aizawa while leaving to go to their own classes. Aizawa saw all his 20 students in their sits and ready to start the day.

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa!" said all the students together.

"Good morning everyone. I have an announcement to make to you." Aizawa said with a determined look making 1-A worried that they might be having another quiz.

"Tommorow we are going for a joint training with Ketsubutsu Academy."

Class 1-A started cheering being excited that they'll get together with Ketsubutsu Academy and train their quirks all together.

"Well.." Groaned Bakugo. "This will he interesting" he said in an annoyed and Ironic voice.

Aizawa used his quirk and raised his voice to stop all the excitement and the loudness coming from the students. They immediately stopped and sat back at their sits completely quiet.

"Good." Said Aizawa. "Be here tomorrow at 6:30. Time to go on with the lesson. Oh. And you also have a quiz to write"

"DANGIIIIIIIIT" Shouted Class 1-A.

(Word count, 883)

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