3. Blade

62 5 1

*Luke Hemmings*

I finished cleaning out the last cup, four hours since she left, and I was still thinking about her.

The way she had thrown my number into the trash can.

I was only trying to be friendly, granted I was seventeen and never had a girlfriend before.

I picked up my jacket and walked toward the door, locking it on my way out.

A black jaguar came screeching to a halt in front of me.

The jocks got out, trotting behind their leader, Calum Hood, also Quinn's boyfriend.

All six of them. Ashton Irwin, who I had never had a problem with, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Louis Tomlinson.

I tried staying close to the building, so they couldn't see me, but it was obvious I was their target.

They all walked forward in a pack, like a bunch of wolves. I fixed my glasses and quickly tossed down my bag.

"Well well well, if it isn't Mr. Hemmings..." Calum said calmly, strolling toward me.

I tried to nod my head like the cool guys do, but my glasses only slid off my nose, making the boys chuckle.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Harry shouted, earning a glare from Calum.

There had been a rumor going around that Michael Clifford and I were gay. Michael was an outsider, sits in the back of the class, listens to his music too loud, and dyes his hair.

"I don't know, probably where your girlfriend is." I shouted back, surprised at my own confidence.

Harry charged forward, shoving past Calum to get to me.

"The f*** did you just say?" He screamed, slamming me into the wall.

Calum ran forward and grabbed Harry, throwing him away from me.

I almost thanked him, until he took Harry's place.

Calum gripped my shirt and twisted the collar, nearly choking me.

"If anyone's gonna beat this kid, it's gonna be me."

The others shouted in agreement.

Ashton stood behind the group trying not to be noticed.

Calum punched me in face once, before drop kicking me to the ground.

What did I ever do to him, nothing, why does he treat me like this.

I started to see stars.

"C'mon hair gel, gonna do anything about it?" Calum taunted.

He landed another kick to my stomach.

"Stop!" Someone shouted.

Everyone turned around to look at who had said it, even I craned my neck a little.


*Delilah Mason*

I twisted the lock on the knob.

The feeling was overwhelming.

I opened the drawer, looking for the washcloth that held what I was looking for.

I unwrapped the thick black cloth.

I picked one blade up, seeing how the light reflected off its metal surface.

I rolled up one of my sleeves, turning around so I wouldn't have to watch myself do it.

I closed my eyes, and dug the metal in my skin, taking it across my wrist.

A single tear started to form in my eye, everything that happened today came flooding back.

"Pathetic." Quinn's voice said.

"Failure." A whisper in the hall.




It was like I could hear the voices.

I felt the impact of the lockers into my shoulder again, and the laughs that followed it.

The white hot sting that came as Quinn had slapped me.

The humiliation of breaking down in front of my friends.

Then it stopped.
The world stopped spinning.

I looked down, one wrist was covered in red blood, while the hand gripping my blade had started to bleed too.

I ran some water over the metal and wrapped it back up.

I washed off my cuts and pulled my sleeves back down. I turned back around to face myself.

Growing up, I had always thought of myself as a little bit pretty. Not beautiful, but not ugly. Now, I don't know what to call myself.

I wiped the last of the tears away.

Time to sleep, and get ready to do it all again tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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