Chapter 1

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Like an angel fallen from heaven engulfed in flames, that radiant redhead landed on me ready to take me straight to hell.

"Auch...! What a blow!! But it was so fun! And I haven't killed myself! But the ground out here is softer than I expected. Wait, no, what is this?! It's kind of big and soft and... yuck, and it smells like a stable. Oh my God, no! Have I landed on an animal?! Have I killed it?"

"The stinky animal is me, okay?" I said trying to get up when the young woman who was sitting on my chest finally stopped talking.

"It moves! It moves! Don't eat me!!"

She rose like a lightning bolt and fixed her gaze on some uncertain point on the ground right next to where I was.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?! Are you okay? Are you a guard?"

Wasn't she going to breathe between sentences?

I got up slowly and shook out my clothes. When I lay down on the banks of the fjord at the foot of the castle, I didn't count on anyone plunging down the wall on me. But, apparently, a little while of rest in the shade of a tree after four days of work against the clock to supply the castle's need of ice in preparation for the huge feast that they were going to prepare for the imminent coronation of the queen, it was too much to ask.

"Okay, one at a time. First of all: don't worry, I'm fine and I have no intention of eating you. Second: and, you? Are you okay? That's been dangerous, you know? And third: do you really think I look like a guard?"

"Certainly, you don't smell like a guard," she replied directing her head toward me and closing her eyes to sniff me in the distance.

"I wouldn't try too hard to catch my scent. I've been sweating the same clothes for four days and sleeping next to a reindeer."

"So that's it... Well, it's not like it takes a lot of effort to smell you, you know?" she answered laughing.

I would have been outraged at the thoughtlessness in her words, but I couldn't deny the reality and, above all, her graceful laugh combined with soft snorts had hooked me in such a way that I could hardly think of anything else.

"And... may I know to what do I owe the honor of having become your landing point?" I asked, noticing for the first time the refined dress she was wearing which made it clear that she wasn't an infiltrator in the castle.

"Uh... well, you know, I haven't seen you."

That girl finally looked at me and suddenly I understood everything. Her lost and crystalline gaze seemed full of spirit and void of life at the same time.

"You can't see me, isn't it?"

"Not at all. But don't take it as a personal matter, I don't see anything, you know? It's not like I don't expressly want to see you."

"Yeah... I had no intention of making it personal," I said slightly chucking at another of her strange reactions. "I was referring more to why were you jumping over the wall, but I guess it's none of my business."

"Who are you?" she asked apparently ignoring my comment.

"I'm Kristoff."



"What do you do for a living?"

"You're still trying to find out if I'm a guard, aren't you?"
"Too obvious?"

Her immensely blue gaze, still drowned in an empty aura, was pitiful. I never thought that the eyes of a blind person could reflect their soul so well.

"I don't know why you care so much, but I'm not a guard, okay? I am an ice harvester."

"Do you harvest ice?! And it's fun?"

'What was it about my job that she found so exciting?'

"It keeps me alive."

There was an awkward silence that she occupied by biting her lip and playing with the end of one of the braids that fell over her shoulders. She was naturally beautiful.

'Time to go.'

"Well, you don't seem to have any intention of explaining who you are, so I'm going to go my way and let you go yours. Good luck with whatever you're up to. Take care."

I walked a couple of steps in the direction of the stable where my reindeer Sven waited taking his own rest when her thin and, at the same time, strong hand stopped me by tugging at my sleeve. I spun around and saw hope painted all over her face.

"Would you help me?"

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