No one pov

Kelani puts the hookah down and runs up the steps in tears she's having one of her episodes. When he beat her and raped her she would have nightmares constantly and she would wake up screaming. He beat her a lot but never ever raped her. That night was the worst one of her life she never hated a night more. Or wanted to erase one before. He ruined her life for months she couldn't move on she kept reminiscing about the whole situation.

"What the fuck you do trell?" Kd said really confused on why she ran up the stairs like that .

"Nigga ian do shit don't yell ain't me fuck wrong with you." He said getting heated because he don't like to be disrespected by nobody .

"Mane chill out some obviously wrong wit her she wouldn't just storm up the steps like dat" Ben said tryna keep the peace with everybody like he always do unlike Kd who love to start drama.

"She been through some shit I'll g-"Joe started to say and he got angry even thinking bout what he did to her, but before he could Kentrell sad some.

"I got it" he got up and started walking up the stairs hoping she don't shut him out even though they just met he feels this connection to her the need to hold and protect her from any danger.

                   *Knock knock*

"Ma can I come in please ?" Kentrell said hoping she would let him in.

"C-c-come in" she says very low he almost didn't hear her but he knew she would whisper so he leaned in.

He walks into the room and sees her with tears in her eyes they're all red and puffy. He's hood and not suppose to cry but the thought of her like this is sad. His heart hurt for her he just wanna hug on her and give her love.

"Ma I don't know what's wrong and you don't have to tell me if you not ready but please talk to me" he said pleading with the young girl.

"I-I-I-I'm not ready to tell you because we just met but I've been through a lot so memories came back that I wish I could erase" Kelani said quietly hoping he heard her because she's hate repeating herself. She remember when her class used to call her mute girl she hated it so much.

"That's fine princess" he said tryna push her hair back but she immediately jumped and that's when he knew.

"I'm so tired I think I'll just go to sleep" All the crying got her head hurting and sleepy she said tryna brush off what just happened.

"Alr Ma I'll leav-"

"Please don't stay with me" she asked with big eyes (DURKIO THAT'S YOU).

"Yea Mamas I got chu" he said happy but not showing it off he wanna help her so bad but don't know how.

He lays down and they are far apart at first until he grabs her waist.

"May I?" He asks politely

"Mhm" she mumbled

He pulls her into him and says "go to sleep na, Ma I know you tired it's ok."

She turns around so now she is facing him and she snuggled into his chest because she feels really safe. She also feels very comfortable with what's going on. She's glad she has someone there in her corner. Kelani gets that it's way to soon to even be thinking about dating him but to have this every night she'll be so greatful. Especially because of what her ex used to do to her made her feel worthless and depressed.

"Good night"
"Good night ma"

It's you Ma (nba youngboy story)Where stories live. Discover now