Hey Dummy, I love You

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The light pitter pater of rain could be heard as it hit the window of his bedroom, flashes of lightning and the sound of thunder booming in the sky was heard every so often. The soft sound of music playing in the background. Normally when Kai was alone he would be scared of the storm raging on outside as he lay in his bed, but tonight was different. Tonight, he had Taehyun by his side.

Kang Taehyun. Man was he something else to Kai. Someone he could rely on in more ways than one. His best friend, someone he loves with every fiber of his being and would never let go of for the world. Taehyun was home to Kai, and Kai knew that he was Taehyun's home too.

They've been friends for as long as he could remember. He still remembers the first time he met Taehyun when they were little. It was the first day of third grade and Kai had just started a new school, he was a shy kid, and didn't really talk much. He sat by himself on the first day, not attempting to make any friends and just sat and watched as other kids made friends with one another and played different games at recess. He would've been lying if he said he didn't feel left out, but he couldn't bring himself to step out of his comfort zone or muster up any courage to go talk to anyone let alone make any friends.

As kai watched the playground in its uproar of screams, laughter and muddled conversations he failed to notice that a soccer ball was headed his way until it hit his foot. He looked down at the ball reaching down to grab it as he heard someone speak near him. "Hey, could you hand me that ball?" the kid asked. Kai instantly turned his head to the source laying eyes on a little boy wearing a red sweater and shorts. His blue shoes completely clashing with his red hoodie, he had a small smile on his face as he waited patiently for kai's response to what he had said. "Oh, um yeah here you go," he responded as he threw the ball over to the boy. Kai turned back to look at the playground once again, sighing and wondering when recess would end.

Kai was taken out of his own thoughts when he felt the bench shake a little, indicating that someone had sat on the bench beside him. Out of curiosity he decided to look to his right to see who had sat on the bench with him and to his surprise he saw the same boy he spoke to not even a minute ago.

"Hi," the boy said, "I'm Taehyun, what's your name?" he asked kai as he stared at him with a wide grin on his face that reached from ear to ear. "Oh, um, I'm Kai," he responded timidly. "It's nice to meet you Kai, do you want to come play soccer with me and my friends?" Taehyun asked to which Kai looked at him in surprise. He wasn't an athletic kid, but he decided to give it a try. With a glint of excitement in his body language he nodded a yes to Taehyun as he got up, waiting for the other to lead him to his friends. The two boys were inseparable after that day, spending almost every waking moment together either hanging out, or practicing soccer together. They had all their classes together throughout elementary and high school, and played the same sports together. Taehyun was the one to help Kai step out of his shell, and Kai balanced out Taehyun's chaotic energy. The two were there for each other in everything.

Taehyun and Kai learned how to ride bikes together, Kai was there when Taehyun broke his arm learning to skateboard in middle school, he was there when Taehyun got into his first relationship and was there to pick up the pieces of his first heartbreak. He was there when Taehyun was offered a spot on a traveling team for soccer, he was there when he got all his awards. He was there when he watched Taehyun fall in love with Beomgyu their sophomore year of high school, he was there for the good and bad of that relationship, and he was there when Taehyun had lost Beomgyu later that year. Kai rushed to Taehyun's side whenever he got hurt.

And Taehyun was always there for Kai. He was there to protect him from anyone and anything that attempted to hurt him. He was there when Kai's bullies tried to destroy kai's instruments. Taehyun was there when Kai went through his first heartbreak too. He was there when Kai hit his lowest point in his life. Taehyun helped Kai pick up the pieces of his life and put them back together after Kai lost his parents, and when Kai wanted to end his own life Taehyun ran across the city just to get to his best friend. talking him down for hours, and promising him he would never leave his side in that moment... and Taehyun always kept his promises to Kai.

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