Episode 2 "What"

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Tommy being Micheal's Uncle had been helping Tubbo with Micheal for the past two months that Ranboo was gone.

Tommy is playing Tug-of-war with a bone with Micheal when Tubbo pushs the door open, and he seems extremely excited.

"Tommy, Guess what!"
Tubbo exclaims.

Tommy looks up at Tubbo.
He holds the Bone, making sure Micheal cannot get it from Tommy's grasp.

"Er, could we step outside for a moment?"
Tubbo asks of Tommy.

Tommy lets go of the Bone and stands up, walking to the door.
"Sure, of course."

Tubbo opens the door while Tommy walks up, which Tommy then walks out, Tubbo following. After Tubbo walks outside, he shuts the door.

Tubbo regains his smile.
"I've found Ranboo!"

Tommy seems happy.
"Nice! Where? Is he still with b Dream?"

"Yeah. In a facility a few thousand of blocks that way, and behind a lavafall."
Tubbo responds as he points towards the South.


Tubbo had asked around and gotten Tommy, Philza, Nihachu, Fundy and Sam to help him rescue Ranboo.

Everyone was paired into teams our two. The teams were like so.
Tubbo with Tommy
Philza with Sam
Nihachu with Fundy
If they rescued Ranboo, he would go on to form the bench trio.

Everyone arrived at the location.
The sun was setting, seemingly at around 7 PM. There was a big mountain and a river leading up to it.
There was a lake of lava atop the mountain, and it descended into a hill of lava falling off of a cliff that was on the mountain.

Tommy snuck around with Tubbo, Fundy with Nihachu, and Sam with Philza. Everyone was mainly next to each other at this time.

Tubbo spoke up, having both organized the group and the plan.
"I think we're here. There's a passage over here. Follow me."

Everyone split up slightly but stayed in the same general area. Then, by Tubbo's command, the regrouped around the lavafall.

Tubbo rested at the target location, awaiting the following people. As they arrived, he explained the plan as he was using a hushed voice.
"It's right here. I'll dig it. Everyone splits up into teams, remember that. Tommy will make a distraction, and that's when you can break blocks."

Tubbo paused, then looked around them.
"Everyone got that?"

Everyone nodded.
Tubbo dug into the dirt, showing an underground passage.
Tommy broke the first two blocks, allowing everyone to pour in after him.
Everyone walked inside, splitting up as soon as they had the option.

Tommy placed TNT along what seemed to be a storage room.
Tubbo was ok the ready, and was hiding inside the wall.
Fundy and Nihachu were very swift in their search.
Sam and Philza took more time snooping than searching.

Tommy lights the TNT and backs up, waiting. It explods and he digs into the wall parallel to where Tubbo is.

Everyone hears the explosion.
Fundy sees Ranboo in s cell, through some iron bars.

Nihachu backs out of a room and walks over, then sees Ranboo. In chat, she types "Found the Target"

Fundy and Nihachu hear footsteps...
And see a green figure..
It's dream.

Fundy types in chat "DREAM".

Dream's smirks, happily.


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