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'Why the long face?', he asks her as soon as she gets inside his car.

He had noticed the glum expression on her face as she had stepped out of the building and it wasnt something new for him. He had had to pacify her every other day on the sets while shooting. Baby talks, hugs, getting hit, lame jokes and what not!

'Phew she was a handful!', he had chuckled to himself as he had seen her walking towards the car.

'Is. is a handful param', his brain had corrected him.

'And you find it cute!', had come another voice from his heart. Shaking his head of the thoughts, he had turned to give his complete attention to the smoldering lady getting in his car.

'Whats wrong? Why is your face swollen like a pumpkin?', he asks, reaching out to pull her cheeks. She swats his hand away and continues strapping her seat belt on. He tries again and Smack!

'Ow! That was pretty hard!', he cries out while rubbing his hand. He turns and looks towards her again.

'Okay two eyes, one nose, two lips, two ears. Everything seems the same to me since the last time. So what has happened!? Did i say something in an iv? But she was fine till Wednesday night. Did i do something? Or worse, did i not do something? Think param think'

'You did thank her after the party na?', the same voice from his brain interjects.

'Yaa obvio i thanked everyone and gave them lotss of hugs. I was a good boy.'

'Man. You were a good man. You are a 33 year old loner right now param. Get a girl will you?'

'Can we focus on the problem on our hands for now?'

'Fine! Lemme think. Hmm did you give her a special thank you hug or kiss?'

'KISS ?! You know i dont kiss even on the cheeks. No i didnt kiss her but hug yeah i mean i did hug her but it was just like our other normal hugs'

'You dumbass! Thats why you are single to this date. She booked a bungalow for you, ordered a cake, called all your friends and went thru the trouble of a whole 30 min argument of convincing you to attend it for you to just 'hug it out' like everyone else in the end. Are you actually this dumb or you do this to annoy me?!'

'Me and you are one. And what else could i've done!? Written a thank you card and couriered it back to her? Bro she cant be angry bout this cummon!'

'Bro she didnt greet you when she got in your car, hasnt touched or hit you even once and hasnt looked at you since. Until. Now. Param you do know we are having a conversation in the 'head' for the past 5 mins and you look like a complete dork sitting with your hands on the wheel. START DRIVING DUMBASS YOU GONNA BE LATE SHE IS STARING DAGGERS AT YOU!'

He hits the accelerator and starts his way towards their destination. The sun was setting and the wind was picking up. He hoped the weather didnt disrupt his plans for the evening. He had bought flowers, lights and all the things that made her happy. He had booked a reservation for them at her favorite dine in and pre ordered paneer and dal makhni for her. A dance later, he was gonna bring in the last surprise of the evening. It was gonna be his way of making the evening special for her after everything she had done for him on his birthday. But looking at her mood right now, he couldnt help but wonder if it was going to be of any use.

Turning towards her for the umpteenth time, he asks her, 'Dont you wanna know what have i planned for the evening?' He is met with silence.

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