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'So, how's it?!', he asks looking up at her from his plate.

'Mhmm. 'ts be'er an da'as ime a aye ere. Gnh yuh as e da oti', she replies incoherently with her mouth full.


'Ghffuh mmnet' She asks for a minute, swallows down the contents of her mouth, and starts again, this time somewhat legibly. 'Roti. Can you pass me the roti? And I said it's better than the last time I ate here.'

'God she was one of a kind.' He chuckles to himself, passing her the tandoori roti.

'Thank you!', she chirps back.

Seeing her finally settling down eases him up a bit. The food was doing its wonders and cooling down their nerves, bringing them back to their goofy selves. He was glad she had liked what had happened so far. The evening sure was going in his favor.

Walking hand in hand towards the restaurant, Param had abruptly stopped, scooped her up in his arms, and continued walking.

'Param what're you doing!?' She'd shrieked out reflexively.

'You're hurt.' He'd started.

'So are you.' She'd fired back.

'Not as much that I cant carry my girl around.' He'd replied nonchalantly.

'My girl huh!? Isn't that a form of 'labeling' too now?' She'd teased him quoting what he'd said earlier.

'I think I can make a few exceptions now and then.'

'Now and then.' Making a face, she'd repeated his words evoking a chuckle out of him, the vibrations of which traveled from his chest to her body which was plastered against him at that moment.

'And anyway, after the stunt that you just pulled, I will have to make these exceptions more often.', he'd continued.

'Haww! The stunt I pulled?! You were the one who beat that guy into a pulp and are blaming me for it now?!' Immediately taking offense, she'd questioned back and proceeded onto hitting him on his shoulder with the hand which wasn't holding his collar.

'Ouch! I am hurt remember!'

Smack! She'd hit him again.

'I will drop you if you hit me again Akshita!'

'Why? You are the hulk na!? Bear it then.'



'Stop cribbing and tell me how was it my fault!'

'Well if you hadn't stormed out of the car like an angry little Latina and shrugged away my touch like it was a virus; which I must mention is the only reason of your warmth in this freezing night right now, then the poor guy wouldn't have thought that I was a pervert stalking you at this hour of the night and advanced towards you. You know how difficult it is to handle you when you go into your I-will-not-listen-to-param-no-matter-what mood! Remember what'd happened in Lonavla? You hadn't listened to me and I almost lost you Akshita! You did the same today. And this dress of yours that you're wearing is very inapprop-'

'What about my dress? Gonna blame it too? I have said sorry for what happened in Lonavla na! But you keep bringing it up to chide me! If that harmless guy had by any chance misbehaved with me today, you would've blamed my dress!' The boss lady in her had gotten charged up and she seemed ready to scratch back anyone who as much as said a word against the dressing of a woman, accusing it to be the cause of being misbehaved with.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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