Chapter 12: I can't fall asleep

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Mina Pov

One more night and Chaeyoung will be out in my room for good.

I place her sketch on one of my drawers and then flop on my bed face down bouncing a little and clutch my pillows rubbing my face on its soft comfort.

I needed this especially after all that labor drained my energy.

"Don't disturb my sleep again Chaeyoung."

I glance at her she nods without looking at me, she was sitting on the mattress Criss cross holding a drawing board with a bond paper clip on it which I gave her a while ago, she is engag in sketching an image perhaps that will tired her out and go to sleep later, hopefully.

I didn't want to bother so I let her be atleast she will be occupied for the meantime.

"And turn off the lights when you are done." I will allow her to use my lights so as long as she stays silent.

After talking and understanding Chaeyoung a little I trust that she won't attack me on my defenseless state.

I put my eye mask  and shut my eyes letting weariness take over me and slowly fall into slumber.

3rd person Pov

Almost 2 hours have tick away when Chaeyoung completed her artwork and set it out the floor. She glances at Mina who was making slight whooshing sounds with her snores.

She stands up killing the light she slumps her back to the mattress looking at the ceiling clasping her hands together on top of the blanket.

She finds the night peaceful and dull just like the previous, she twiddles with her fingers a little bored.

She decides to give sleep a whirl she begins to empty her thoughts and closed her eyes striving to fall asleep, minutes has gone by yet her effort is useless she was still wide awake.

She sighs laying on bed proves to be unexciting and uneventful. She suddenly feels the urge to look at the night skies again.

She strides quietly out of Mina's bedroom and out the house, she sits on the grassy lawn and gazes at the stars and the quarter moon.

The wind billows tousling her hair following the wind waves, touching her skin sending chills and coldness all around her body she didn't mind though it was freshening in a way.

She listens to the appeasing rustling of leaves and the sways of grassy wands.

"Stargazing aren't we? You are in luck there are a lot tonight, the starlights are beautiful aren't they?"
A voice spoke from the other side of house she look at its direction and sees Dahyun whose elbows were resting on the window sill.

Though it's dark you can clearly see the girl on the window for her skin is bright, pale like the moon glowing in the dark.

"Yes they are beautiful, mesmerizing in away, they make you feel so small I feel like I lose myself when I look up there." Chaeyoung answers

"You are small though." Dahyun jokes "I heard you don't remember anything except for your name it must be hard."

"How did you know?"

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