Part- 28(3/?)

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Running the car as fast as I could, I finally saw no one behind us now..

Sighing in releif, as I put y/n's head properly on my shoulder while kissing her head, Hyung said-

Rm- *groan* Fuck those bitches..I'm going to kill them all..*sigh* anyways..You can give y/n to us.. she can lie down on the last seat..

Jk- no it's ok..You know how much she loves to move weirdly in her sleep and hug me..

Nodding as they started treating their wounds from the emergency medkit in the van, we soon reached a petrol pump as we refill some in our van and continued going..

Suga- so where are we going?

Jk- mansion...All the mansions are so far from here...The only one near is 5 hours away from here..

Jin- no. .....16? Ok let's go..

Jk- hm..

Turning towards it's direction as I was about to speed up the car, I felt like the car stopped... Punching the steering wheel, as I softly put y/n on my seat after getting off the van with my hyungs, We suddenly saw a bunch of cars coming in our direction..

And in no time, we were in the hold of some guards with wounds..

Y/n pov~

Opening my eyes as I felt like if I was on some type of seat, I tried to find kook but didn't find anyone Beside.. getting my vision clear as I saw, I was in a van, I looked out of the window as I saw all my oppa's and even kook.. holded by some mens with guns on their head..I was going to open the door but kook saw me as He signalled me a no from his eyes..

Stopping as I tried to find something for a weapon with me, I found a knife as I pick it up,

My gaze went to kook again as he was looking at me from the corner of his eye..

Holding the knife as I slowly got out of the car not making any noise, I got to it's back calming myself..

Y/n- you can do this... you have to save your boyfriend and brothers.. please y/n!

Having a flahsback on the person in van whom I accidentally killed, a small smile came on my face..

"I have already killed a man then why not now"

Thinking as I dragged my feet to front, Kook widened his eyes as all the guards attention was on me now...

Running to kook as I gave him the knife, he hug me and started to kill all the mens near him and tae as he was near kook..

Having me bear style as He get his gun, he started to shoot the mens in front of him while Carrying me..


Looking at him like a lost puppy, my eyes were lingering on his face..

Chuckling as he put my head down on his chest, he cupped my face in a pout and wiggled my cheeks..

Y/n- shjekekdj?

All- hahahaha..

Jk- we can't understand u baby..

Leaving me as he planted a kiss on my head, we started to leave the place while he gave me my medicines...God knows from where he got them but...Ok ? I guess?

Hugging him tightly as I burried my face in his chest, I finally started to sob..

Jk- what happened baby?

Kissing my head as he stop the van at a corner of the road, He put all his attention one me as he cup my face, and kiss my nose..

Jk pov~

I know she is scared..
But..I don't want to see her cry..It breaks my heart again and again..

Thinking how to calm her as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I saw jimin hyung.. nodding slowly as I get out of the van and gave y/n to Rm hyung, She started crying more..

Rm- panda.... what happened? Why are u crying this much?

Y/n- Y-you all-l a-are h-hurt..

She said in a low and cracking voice..

Jk- no we are not... these are normal for us baby...Ok come here.. Let's walk..

I said as I took her bear style and pat her back while walking a little..

Going a little away as I took her head in front, I wiped her tears and gave her a peck on her lips and smiled...

Jk- You're so cute...But u look ugly while crying...

Y/n- yah Im not ugly*sniff*

Jk- *chuckle* cute.. Should we go back now? We have to go to our new house hm?

Nodding cutely as she smiled, I smiled back and started to head back to van as we left the place and she soon slept on my lap because of the medicines..

Suga- *sigh* so much happened right?*chuckle*

J-hope- I feel like we are in a movie..

Tae- jk...

Jk- hm?

Tae- you're worried for her don't u?

Jk- yes... from the time, I have her with me, I don't think if She is happy purely...I...I don't feel if she is happy with us or not..I even ruined her birthday..That became a disaster..We got in a accident.. Accept that, even today, she didn't got to rest...We are just going here to there...She needs rest and comfort for her health..

Jin- *sigh* why do u feel like she's not happy with u hm? And she said that she enjoyed well with u right? And see our baby panda also saved us all even though she doesn't even know the F of FIGHT.. and u know if u didn't keep her happy, then it will be ur ass and my pink pan and also.. Accept all of that, we can keep our panda happy ar any cost... For That one smile on her face, I can spend all my money and property even with my clothes..

Jimin- She's our baby sister.. It's our responsibility to keep her safe too.. Don't be sad ok? And if we will not keep her safe then who will right?

Nodding as I turn the van on auto mode because we have to go straight on this road for 1 and a half hour, I popped y/n's head up as I kiss her lips..

Rm- Yah have a room!

J-hope- and from where will they have a room huh? *Duh look*

Jimin- I want a girl too now!

Tae- hyung WTF...

Jm- *sigh* ugh... fine.. That was a joke..

Jin- I wonder... how will their babies will look like..y/n is extremely beautiful and cute... just wonder a small girl running in the whole house with those small legs..

Breaking the kiss as I smile, I gave a peck to her again as I keep her close to my chest feeling relief..

Suga- *yawn* Ah I'm slEEPy~

He said while squinting his eyes making others chuckle..

Looking at the time and the silent road, I sighed..

Jk- I don't think we will be able to work tomorrow.. It's 4:45 am in morning..And we haven't even got any sleep..

Just then y/n move in my lap as she climbed up on me while her lips brushed against my cheek making me blush..

Jm- someone is shy I see...*wiggle brows*

Jk- I'm.not.shy.*whisper because of sleeping y/n*

Tae- Hm...Ah can we sleep?

Jk- u all take a rest.. I'll wake u guys up when we will reach..

Nodding as they all closed their eyes, I speed up the pace of car as I run it straight to mansion wanting to rest..


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