My Baby Girl

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2 Weeks Later

Jada P.O.V.

I've been doing some thinking. I think its time for me to talk to my dad.I'm kinda nervous because I don't know what he's gonna say.I have nothing to do!Jacob is at the studio with the guys so I'm alone today.I decided to go over my mom house since I have nothing else to do.I put on a long sleeve shirt and grabbed a pair of sweatpants. After I was done getting dressed,I made sure all the windows and the doors were locked before I left


Jada: *knocks on door*

Eve: *opens door* Oh hey honey

Jada: *walks in* Hey mom

Eve: *sits on couch* So what you been up to?

Jada: Mom I've been doing some thinking and ...I think its time for me to talk to my dad

Eve: Are you sure that your ready to talk to him?

Jada: *smiles * I'm positive

Eve: Do you want me to call him?


Jared P.O.V

I'm in my room watching TV.I can't get over what happen the last time I saw Jada.I regret everything that happen.I started doing drugs when I found out that Eve had a miscarriage.Eve and I were so excited when we found out that we were gonna have another child.One night,Eve and I were cuddling and watching movies after we put Jada to sleep.Eve was complaining about her stomach hurting then she sent to the bathroom.While she was in the bathroom, I decided to check on Jada.I went in her room and watched her as she was sleeping. she looked so peaceful while she was sleep.Next thing I know I heard Eve screaming.I ran back to the bathroom and I saw Eve crying and shaking with blood on her hands.I woke Jada up and I picked up Eve and put her in the car.I drove as fast as I could to the emergency room.I waited for a while until the doctor told me to come to Eves room.We checked to see if there was a heartbeat but sadly it wasn't. I never seen Eve cry so hard.We were both excited about having another baby and then we found out that she had a miscarriage. I tried my best not to cry but it was to much.I couldn't stop crying.I know she was heartbroken.After that,she stayed in her room for a week.I had to force her to eat because she would never eat.I feel bad because she went through all that and I started to act like a asshole. Damn...*hears phone ringing *

Jared: Hello

Eve:Hey Jared

Jared:Oh hey what's up?

Eve:Um can you come over? it's important

Jared:Uh yeah... I'll be there in 30 minutes

Eve:Ok bye *hangs up*

I wonder what's going on.I hope nothing is wrong

Jada P.O.V

Jada:What did he say?

Eve:He's on his way

Jada: alright *starts shaking* I'm so nervous

Eve: Why are you nervous?

Jada:Mom really?

Eve:Don't be nervous your gonna be fine


Jacob P.O.V

After the guys and I left the studio,we decided to go oveer Jordan's house and watch the football game

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