All the secrets she never knew

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                                                       All the secrets she never knew.

Recap: Freeze! i heard someone say.


FREEZE!!! I quickly jumped up and turned around in shock. There i saw mom in her slippers, and bath robe.. and she had a baseball bat. Mom, what are you doing? I demanded. She sighed in relief and looked over to me. I thought you where a robber!!! She protested. I pointed to my chemistry books, Mom, I'm just studying for an exam tomorrow.I explained as i pretended to read my books.

Oh, well get to bed soon now we both know you have school tommorow.She said and with that she walked back down the hall with her hands on her hips. I quickly closed my chemistry books and put them back in my blue sparkeled backpack.

I, slowly walked towards the freezer and opened it. I took out the chocolate ice cream and saw that before my mom came, I ate it all!! What was i gonna do? I know that that ice cream was my moms favourite and i swear if she went to the freezer and saw that it was all gone,she would give me trouble!!

I lightly closed the fridge, and tried to think of a solution. I looked at a paper magneted onto the fridge and bended closer to specify it. Superfoods! Now open 24 hours!

I sighed in relief. I could just make a quick walk to the store and buy some before mom even notices its gone!

I looked at the time and saw that it was 4:00 in the morning. I quickly galloped down the stairs and put on my jacket. And some ugg boots, and opened the door to feel the cold morning dew flow onto my face. I slowly started walking to Super-foods.


I opened the door of  Super-foods, and walked in i was probably the only one here other than the employees because who would come here this early! I picked up my pace and walked up to the sign that said; Frozen foods section. I walked in observing all the isles looking for that chocolate ice cream mom likes. Hmm, I couldn't seem to find it. I should go ask an employee to check for it.I thought.

I walked towards the front desk and observed it, tapping my fingernails on the hard oak wood. I looked to my left and saw a bell. Ring for customer service. Said a little paper taped under it. I tapped my finger on the bell: ring ring ring ring. I finally saw someone come okay okay I'm here! I saw a tall boy say. he had brown shaggy hair with a shirt that said" Super-foods. Hi I'm looking for the chocolate ice cream, i just cant seem to find it.I said rubbing my shoulder. Here i'll help you he said. and with that he lead me to the frozen foods section.

Hmmm he said as he picked up a tub of ice cream. He observed it a little bit and then gave it to me. here, this should be the one. Thanks, this is the one i was looking for!. I said bitting my nail. Your welcome, and please come back to super-foods! He said as he turned around and walked back to the customer service desk. I sighed as i looked at the price tag

It was about 10 dollars. Cant a girl get a little cheap ice-cream around here? i mumbled. I sloppily walked back to the front desk and placed the ice cream on the desk. A girl with a messy bun and a headband looked  at me and saw that i was pointing to the ice cream. Hmm she hummed as she quickly typed in the code of the ice cream. It will be 11 dollars plus tax. she demanded. I opened my plaid purse and pulled out about 11 dollars.

here, i said as i handed it to her. Thank you, and pleas come back to Superfoods!She prepped. I walked towards the door and stopped to see that something shiny had caut my eye. I bended down and saw a lucky penny. I picked it up and spun it around my fingers, as i placed it in my wallet and walked away.


I opened the door of my house and immediately took off my jacket and boots. I stepped up the stairs and opened the door of the freezer.  i placed the chocolate ice cream back into the fridge and drew back to my room. i looked at the time of my alarm clock and it was about 6:00 !!! I quickly got under my covers and started to close my eyes. What was Chelsey doing? Did she miss me? Did she forget about her best friend? I scrambled all these thoughts out of my head and straightened up. Chelsey would never do such a thing! she was a sweet caring girl. I missed her. I really couldn't wait for 2 weeks to be over. And just then i remembered the lucky penny i found on the floor. Maybe if i make a wish for her to come back, maybe she will come back sooner? I reached over for my purse and pulled out the penny i had found on the floor. I held it in my hand and closed my eyes. I wish Chelsey will come back sooner. I said in my head and i loosened my grip of the penny.


Okay  guys i gotta stop there. my computer is being slow again. But please comment, vote and share! it means allot!! Bye!

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