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It just wasn't like Mr. Stark to be all over someone. Usually he's criticizing people. Not that I don't like him! He was a great mentor and everything, but seriously... I never heard him talk about anyone like this. Not even Ms. Potts! But come to think of it, he never talked about her in a nice way. Not anymore. Probably because they broke up. 

After dressing up really nicely, I went to Mr. Starks' party floor in the tower. A lot of people were there. Ms. Natasha and her sister, Ms. Yelena, Mr. Clinton and his family,  Ms. Wanda and Mr. Pietro, Mr. Bucky, Mr. Sam, Mr. Steve and many more. Shuri rushed over to me. 
"Hey Peter! Aren't you excited to meet the girl?"
I nodded, trying to match her enthusiasm, but I really wasn't that excited. I was just desperate in finding out who Mr. Stark was so fond of. 

I sat in on the edge of the couch, trying not to listen to all the adult conversations going on. Instead I focused on the math quiz I had tomorrow. I had studied the answers all week, but I was in the middle of memorizing them as well. Suddenly, the door swung open, and an absolutely STUNNING girl came busting through the doors, along with Mr. Fury. 

"Fine! But if they only season they food with salt and pepper, I'm gone!" She announced.

Mr.Fury elbowed her in the ribs with a huff. She rubbed her side, shooting him a look. "What?! You said there was gon' be honkeys- Ow!" She yelped from getting smacked in the back of the head. "I'm sorry! I meant, 'white people'. And my bad, but I like my food with actual flavor."

King T'Challa walked up to him, Shuri's arm in his grip.

"Brother, please! Let me go!"

T'Challa ignored her cries and smiled at the girl. " Well, fortunately for you, there are people of African culture who were involved in the cooking process." He stated, proudly. The girl gave him a pat on the shoulder and matched his happy grin.

"Whew! Man, thank you so much. And anyway, what's your name, my brother? My name's Alanna Fury.". T'Challa introduced himself as well as Shuri. They all seemed to get along very well, and for some reason.... That made my blood boil... I wanted to break up the whole reunion, but every time I opened my mouth to speak or moved anywhere close to her, there would be a horrible twist in the pit of my stomach. I would feel my face flush a deep red and my legs would shake until I was swaying on my feet. I decided that I couldn't go anywhere near her, but I had no problem staring at her with a certain burning desire... What was WRONG with me?! 

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