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"So," Dean began. His heart was pounding. He rather be facing any number of ghosts and ghouls to avoid fucking this part up. Hell, he'd even take a few demons over this. Anything over these tense emotional moments. Still, he was glued to the bed, hand holding yours. He loved you. He wasn't going to let anything get in the way of helping you.

"Y-yeah?" You stumbled over your words. You had no idea how your boyfriend was going to handle the news. Tears were threatening to fall over your cheeks as you kept your eyes glued to the floor.

Dean swallowed. Dammit, his brother mentioned something like this in the past. Why couldn't he remember now? "Well in that case, I suppose we better get you some comfier clothes. C'mon." He stood up, offering his hand to you. Looking up, you saw that same smile dance across his lips, the same smile you fell in love with. "Wouldn't want my boyfriend to be uncomfortable."

Your heart skipped a beat as you jumped into his arms, relief and love washing over you. Dean just chuckled, quietly as he shifted to wrap his arms around you, squeezing you against him. "Thanks Dean...Thank you so much."

"Of course. You have a different name you like to be called now?"

"Y/N now- I uh, kinda picked it out when I realized I just-"

"Y/N is perfect babe." His lips left a light little peck at your nose. "C'mon. Sammy's with Bobby looking for another job, let's take the day to get you feeling as good as possible, hm? I just had that great poker payout-"

"I thought that was for silver bullets-"

"Pshh. I can win another game or too." Dean went to smile, but it quickly drooped into a frown. "Your they make you feel-" He tried to find the right word.

"Dysphoric? Well I mean a bit. I didn't exactly have time to choose great clothes when I ran off with you Dean." Before you could even finish your sentence, Dean was digging through his duffle.

"I was going to drop them off somewhere, they feel a little small." Dean grinned, poking his head back up. In his hands were an AC/DC shirt and an old pair of jeans. He even pulled out his spare hunting boots. "Might not be the most practical all the time, but we'll get you some stuff today."

You tried not to cry once again.

Few minutes later, you found yourself wrapped up in your boyfriend's clothes, in the passenger seat of the car. AC/DC rang out through the speakers. You couldn't help but smile.

"You...really don't mind Dean?"

"Mind? Why the hell would I mind?"

"Well you were into me as a-"

"I am into you, period." Dean smiled a little. "Masculine, feminine, It makes no difference to me. You are still you. So, clothes we're doing. Not half assed Walmart clothes either, we're gonna get you some good hunting gear." You couldn't help but chuckle a little at that. "Masculine fake IDs from now on, easy enough. Anything else you need?"

"At the moment, I'm not sure...I kinda like what Sam does with his hair so I don't think I'll cut it off yet. It isn't as long as his at the moment anyway." You giggled at the scrunch in Dean's nose at the mention of his brother.

"Cute guy with a ponytail never hurts either. Ah. Here's the shop."

"Dean this is a mall-"

"Yeah, sporting goods, including guns, bullets, as well as various clothing stores to get you what you need. Plus crowds to blend into. Malls are great Y/N." He turned into the parking lot, picking a spot somewhere in the middle. "Plus, the impala doesn't stick out too much here."

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