The Dream

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Short Story 2

The Dream.

By Jamilla

I was in a forest, the trees around me soared into the sky and everything was cloaked in darkness. All was still. My panicked breathing punctuated the silence of the night with its heavy raspy sound. I took a single step forward and a loud snap echoed through the sleeping forest, bringing it to life. From the little I could see, I was in a natural atrium of sorts, dozens of vines hung low, swinging softly to an unheard melody. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance. After a few seconds of fumbling over roots, I finally found a tree, pressed my back to its cool rough surface, slunk down to my bum and pondered on a possible path to take to get myself out of here. The denseness of the trees caused the place to be very humid, sweat clung to my skin and clothes. There was a toad close to my right, I heard its loud deep croaks and after a while, they faded into a lullaby and I drifted on its notes to the realm of sleep.

The sound of cracking leaves brought me straight out my peaceful slumber. The full moon came out; its cold pale light glittered on the leaves. I looked from left to right, and then left again, my eyes straining to see beyond the infinite darkness. Another leaf cracked, closer this time, to my left. I turned my head reluctantly to the sound, afraid even to breathe. There a lone wolf stood naught but five feet from me. I saw the glint of its startling blue eyes, such a brilliant hue that I was mesmerised by its unrelenting beauty. Its coat was a rich black colour that I could see even in the washed out, fractured light of the moon.

Being in the presence of such a beautiful monster, I forgot to be scared but fear soon came back in full force as it broke its gaze from mine, lifted its head and bayed to the moon-a sorrowful sound that  wretched at my heart. As one, then two then ten more wolves joined in the song, I realised that I was all but encircled, my only way out was to run past the large formidable black wolf now standing not three feet away from me. As he raised his head once more to join in the song, I capitalized on what was probably my best chance of escape.

I got to my knees, softly, slowly. Then leaped forward and sprang into a sprint. The soulful song faded out as the wolves gave chase. The trees whisked by as I dashed, some lower branches whipped me in my face, I could not pause, not even to feel pain as I could hear them pounding after me, almost feeling their hot rapid breathing on my neck. Nothing but pure fear and adrenaline coursed through my veins as I ran just a few paces in front of the pack.

A clearing appeared abruptly out of the forest. I could go no more. The deep gasping breaths I was taking were not bringing enough oxygen to my lungs. The pain shocking through my every muscle was unceasing in its intensity. All I could do was stand there. Near to the edge.

He bounded out of the trees and walked straight up to me. My every sense so centred on his striking azure eyes and the human emotions in them, that I did not even detect the others surrounding me once more. He hesitantly took a step forward. I took a step backwards. We sustained this perilous dance until my feet met with the edge. I glanced backwards at the menacing fall and violent water below with anguish.

I took one more look at the sapphire eyes very much like an untouched mid summer's sky, and jumped into the frigid rushing water beneath.

Before I was entangled forever within its icy depths I heard the agony-filled cry of the wolf. My wolf.

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