Happy... Birthday?

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"Wake up in an ice-cold sweat
And my skin starts to creep
You're hovering above my bed
Looking down on me
Haunted house sound effects
Dracula Teeth."

Dracula Teeth by, The Last Shadow Puppets

I was getting softly shaken away by someone, I groaned and had turned the other way.

"I graduated... I don't have to go to school anymore." I mumbled.

"Wake up Petal, happy birthday."

My eyes lazily opened, my dad was staring down at me, his eyes crinkled with happiness.

"Oh yeah... it is September 13th, it's Bella and I's birthday."

"You forgot your own birthday?"

"I never know what the date is anymore dad don't worry..."

"I got presents..." Dad said in a sing-songy voice... I could tell her was trying to persuade me."

"Okay, okay I'm getting up."

Dad had handed me two boxes, wrapped terribly but it was the thought that counts. The gifts were a new paint set and canvases and a new writing journal.

"Wow, these are great dad, thanks."

"You're welcome Petal."

"You give Bella her presents yet?"

"Yeah, she freaked out on me for a bit... I joked and told her she had gray hair. Speaking of gray hair... it looks like you have a speak there." Dad joked.

"Ehh, gray suites me well."

"So, what'd you plan on doing today? Were you going to hang out with Jasper?" He asked, he sat down on the edge of my bed

"Not until later on tonight, I thought we could something together...That steak at the diner sounds pretty good... or we could just take a long drive... both sound enjoyable to me"

"Sounds like a plan Petal. I luckily got the day off" He then got up and walked toward the door, leaving me by myself.

Graduating early had its perks... I had a lot more free time on my hands and I could do whatever I wanted with it. I got dressed eagerly to spend some one-on-one time with dad. Bella was already gone by the time I got up so Dad and I quickly made it to my car. We had been driving through the town for 30 minutes when he started a conversation.

"So, how are things with you and Bella?"

"Uh... it's okay I guess. We don't really fight but we don't really talk at all if I'm honest."

"Everything that happened last year in Phoenix got to you huh?"

"Yeah, it did. I guess it's going to take some time for me to let it go."

"I understand... I love that girl to death but I don't even know if I've fully let it go."

"I would understand if you hadn't... she said some messed up stuff dad."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad stuff on your birthday."

"Don't worry about it you didn't upset me, I get it, you were just curious."

The rest of the drive was nice, quiet at some points but nice, we had gotten back into town at 4:30. Just in time to eat at the diner, then after that, I would be off to the Cullens for the night.

"Ugh, that was good... but I think if I eat any more I might explode!" I dramatized.

"Me too Petal, me too. We better go on back to the house, You said you had to be at the Cullens by 5:20."

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