Don't go

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"Let's get out of this hopeless town
Nobody can stop us now
And time's on our side
While our hearts stay young
Let's think about it tomorrow."

Tomorrow by, Kali Uchis

"Please, please tell me Jasper... you aren't breaking up with me are you?"

He looked up at me, his eyes were filled with sadness. If he could cry, I was positive he would.

"Jazz, c'mon... we can't quit now. After everything we've been through you can't give up on me now."

"How else could we make this work?" He asked.

"Calls, emails, text hell, I will send you a photo of me every damn day if I have to. Just don't do this to me, don't break up with me. Tears streamed down my face and I slide down to the floor. Jasper said in front of me and grabbed my face. He wiped some of my tears with his thumb.

"okay, okay calm down... I won't break up with you. I couldn't of done it if I tried really. I mean, like you said... we've been through worse. We shouldn't be giving up now."

"I know the only reason your leaving is because of Edward." I said, I sniffled but my voice was filled with malice.

"Dean's being hard on himself too, he is completely convinced he is nothing but a monster."

"I really hate Edward sometimes Jazz."

"You know I won't be able to come back here until Edward thinks it's best too... He probably thinks she's going to move back with her mom in a week."

"He's bad at assumptions, she loves him to death... she'll wait for him to come back here forever."

"Yeah, I know..."

"You know, something Jazz?"


"If we can go through a psychotic vampire trying to kill me, a group of men trying to... well you know... then we can get through this. I have faith in us Jazz... you should too."

He looked down and smiled at me.

"I will, and the second I can come back down here... I will."

"I know you will...I love you."

"I love you too."

He pulled me up from the floor, pulling me close hugging me. He kissed my forehead and then let me go. Before he jumped out my window he locked eyes with me again. He turned and left with another word. I sat down on my bed... I didn't know what to do. It was like I was stuck, and I wasn't going to be able to move ever again. I needed to keep reminding myself... we're still together... he going to come back... he has to, come back. I made my way downstairs and sat in the living room, thinking of something to write. Creativity was always a great distraction for me.

"Oh I beg you, can I follow?
Oh, I ask you, why not always?
Be the ocean, where I unravel
Be my only, be the water where I'm wading

You're my river running high
Run deep, run wild."

I Follow Rivers, By Lykke Li

The words I wrote stared back at me, they weren't exactly a distraction for me... but it was an outlet. My feelings and words weren't going to explode being locked inside of me. I was about to start writing again when Dad had burst through the front door.

"Fleur, has Bella texted or called you at all?"

I started to feel nervous...What did Edward do now?

"No, but I think I know why she's gone."

"Why? What happened?"

"Jasper called me today, he and his family have to leave Forks. Carlisle got a new job so they all have to relocate."

"Did he...?"

"Break up with me? No, it's going to be long-distance for us for a while."


"But, I think Edward probably broke up with her. We better find her dad."

Dad and I rushed out of the house, we decided to get a small search party with the people down at the reservation. Sam looked shocked when he saw me, he wouldn't meet my eyes, however. He must've still felt guilty about what happened down at the beach last year. Sam had gone into the woods searching for Bella. It was 3 hours later and we still hadn't found her yet.

"Maybe I should call the station," Dad suggested.

"Charlie, we'll be able to find her." Harry, one of Dad's best friends said.

"Okay, I would've called the Cullens but they all left town."

"They left? Good Riddance." Harry said darkly.

"Dad, they found her!"

Dad ran toward Sam, he had an unconscious Bella in his arms.

"She's alright."

Dad took Bella from Sam's arms and held her tight. The next day was strange, Bella hadn't come out of her room and it was 1 in the afternoon.

"I can't believe he left her in the woods...I absolutely detest that man."

"I feel the same way Petal, I feel the same way."

"If I ever see him again, his head is going to be a hood ornament on my car."

"Why don't you try getting Bella again"

"Okay, dad..."

I walked and turned into the hallway and knock on Bella's door.


I didn't get a reply so, I opened the door and looked around. Bella was a statue, staring out the window with a dazed look in her eyes. I left soon after, I don't think I was going to get a reply from her.

"I don't think she's coming out dad."

"Thanks for trying."


The days had started going by a lot slower since they all left. Going to bed was the only way to pass the time quicker. I had a weird dream when I went to bed that night.

POV Change: Jasper

I was driving around wandering aimlessly through Ithaca, New York. I didn't really know what to do. It had been so long since I've been on my own, those pains had come back. I was away from her for one day and I've already fallen back into a part of myself I never wanted to be. I was driving slowly through a street and turned my head for a second... I saw her, standing there in a white nightgown. The look on her face was one of pure hatred, before I could stop and get out to her she was gone.

Sanctuary With the Enthralling Moon Jasper Hale x Fleur SwanWhere stories live. Discover now