Chapter 34

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I took tentative steps around the large room, my eyes scanning every inch of the masculine interior with open interest. The space held an undeniable sense of mystery with its tasteful but odd choice of decor. Thomas had called it the "Alpha's office" when he reluctantly left me here to meet with the terrible four. And that was half an hour ago! Glancing back at the door, I huffed in irritation when I saw no sign of him.

At first, the uncertainty of being on my own had me nervously pacing close to the hallway, hoping that this "discussion" would be brief before we made our way for the pack announcement. But as the time wore on and my patience had begun to wane, I chose to wander into the room in the hopes of seeking a distraction to help pass the time.

Peeling my eyes away from the partially open door, I studied the room once again. Although it had all the modern furnishings to suit the needs of an office, it did not feel like one. It was so much more.

While ancient maps adorned one side of the wall, another held blades and weapons that seemed like they belonged to the Viking era. Display cabinets and shelves ran throughout the room, filled to the brim with objects that both fascinated and unsettled me at the same time. Like the monstrous taxidermy head! What in the name of God's creation was that thing?! The creature seemed to be a cross between a wild boar and a mutated bear! Its beady eyes staring creepily from its mount caused a shudder to ripple through me as I turned away in mild disgust.

Looking to my right, I felt my eyes widen at the sight of a beautiful tapestry on the opposite side of the room. My feet moved automatically, carrying me across the floor in a daze before I found myself standing in front of it. Lips parting in awe, I stared at a family tree. The Carson family tree. Woven intricately with golden threads that shimmered against a pale green backdrop, the tapestry was stunning. The family crest sat bold and proud at the very top, my eyes lingering on the words woven underneath it. Gloria et virtute.

Power and Glory. Staring at the small yet significant words, I was reminded of the uncomfortable conversation from earlier in the morning. Liam's story about how the pack came to be. Their pain, loss and suffering and the determination of the former Alphas to ensure the safety of its members. Could I really blame the brothers for not wanting to throw away everything they have worked for?

After hearing that story, I wasn't so sure anymore.

Sighing in defeat, I began to go through the names, a small smile curling my lips when I noticed the single golden thread that connected the names of Nicholas and Layla Carson to a set of names below. The Carson quintuplets. My mates.

I balked at that thought, my body going rigid with tension despite the thrill of excitement that shot through me in that instant. Did I just refer to them as my mates? What the fuck! Snorting in disbelief, I quickly stepped away, the tension knotting in my gut uncomfortably. Ever since the little demonstration with Thomas where I had experienced the pull of the bond, my thoughts and feelings have been running amok. They didn't feel like mine anymore. I felt open and vulnerable, helpless in the face of something I couldn't fully understand.

Groaning in frustration, I moved over to a glass cabinet, my thoughts immediately shifting to one of curiosity at the object in front of me. A silver blade about the size of my forearm was mounted on a stand. Strange tribal markings were engraved along the side of the sheath and the hilt was covered in precious stones that sparkled brilliantly under the small display light. Mesmerized with the blue, green and red sparkle of the gems, I reflexively reached out to touch it, only wanting to experience the feel of the stones beneath my finger tips but instead ended up knocking it off its mount with a shocked cry when I heard an amused voice behind me.

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