Speaker (13)

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"Oh, calm down, you big baby," you scoffed and nudged his arm playfully.


Foxy growled as you batted your eyelashes innocently. He looked away, glowering as he crossed his arms.

". . . Al-also, I checked Can-andy Cadet, and the three-ee stories are all he tells," Foxy told you.

"WhatReally?" you whined, sitting up.

"Yeah, the 'Five-ive Keys' story, 'Five Orphans' story-y, and th-the 'Five Kittens' story."

"Wait, why are they all 'five' something?"

"I-I don't know! I ju-ust checked to see how-ow many au-dio files were pro-grammed into the th-thing and saw what-at they were ti-tled!"

"Well . . . Thank you."

"Don't-on't do this again!" Foxy started, making a sly smile creep onto your face.

"Aww, so you did all that for me?" you gushed, clasping your hands together and holding them by your head.

"God damn it, (Y/N)!" Foxy roared, wires spreading out to make him appear larger. "If-if you don't shut the fu-uck up, I'm going to shove all-all of these u-up your--"

Ballora interrupted him, "Hey, now--"

"You're an-an all star," Freddy started to sing, and you burst out in laughter, "ge-et your game o-on!"

Baby facepalmed and sighed as you started to wheeze. Freddy giggled, and you held your stomach as it started to hurt.

"Oh my god!" you laughed, wiping a tear away. "Freddy, you're a genius!"

"Gen-enius?" Foxy sneered. "Freddy is no-o-ot a fucking, 'gen-ius!' He's the-the farthest thing fro-om a fuckin', genius! He-e's a god damn mor-on!"

"Foxy, I don't-on't believe that's ver-ery nice," Ballora calmly interfered. "Think a-bout how he feel-eels about you-ou saying that."

"Like I-I-I care." Foxy rolled his eyes.

"You know, Foxy, I really don't like hearing my Fredbear cussing like a sailor--"

"Yeah, well, fu-uck you. Too bad," Foxy mumbled under his breath.

"--and Ballora, your formal-like way of speaking just sounds too odd in his voice."

"Oh, I a-pologize. I su-suppose I can't-an't help it," Ballora murmured; you couldn't tell whether she was being sarcastic or not.

"What-at are you go-ing to do about it? Figure out-out a way to fix it?" Foxy sassed.

"Actually, that's exactly what I plan to do."

"What- How-ow exactly do-o you plan to do tha-at?"

"I'm gonna do what you said: 'Figure out a way to fix it.' "

"(Y/N), un-less you know how-ow to rewire and-and work with e-lectro-nics and all that-at shit, I don't see how y-you're going to 'fig-igure' it out," Foxy insisted as he lowered next to you.

"Well- . . . Hmm- may not know about all that sh- stuff--" You tapped your chin--"but I bet Michael knows about it."

The sound of the front doors made everyone turn. You stood up from your chair, glancing to the rest. As you opened the door, you saw Michael and James walking into the pizzeria.

"Hey, right on time, guys!" you announced as you left the office, and their heads turned to you. "We were just talking about you!"

"Oh no--" James started.

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