Chapter 1: Surprise~

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Warning this contains smut!

Hayden Mustang aka Right Hand Man was so excited! His leader and husband Reginald Copperbottom said he had a surprise for him. He knew Reg wouldn't forget that it was his birthday not ever in his life!

He walked to his room as fast as he could and was shaking with excitement and he was thinking of what Reg got him for his birthday and he couldn't think of what it could be.

Suddenly he almost ran into Sven and he felt so bad for it cause he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.

"Sorry Sven!" Right said and he holds his hand out help him stand. "I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going cause-" "Cause the chief got you a surprise birthday present?" Sven said with a smile on his face.

"How did you know?" Right asked completely surprised. "Oh he told me about it" Sven explained.

"He did?! What did he give me?!" Right asked getting more excited. "Sorry Boss but you got to go see for yourself~" Sven said a big smirk. "Oh come on Sven" Right complained.

"Nope now go~" Sven said with a smile and he shooed him away and Right sighed and hurried off with a groan and grumble under his breath.

'Hope he likes what Reg got him for his birthday~' Sven thought as he smirked and walked off.

Soon Right got to his room and saw reg wearting a very exotic outfit. "Hey you~ you ready for your present~?" Reg said with a very big smile. "Oh yes I am~" Right purred and his cock twitched.

"Here it is~" Reg cooed and he played sexy music and strip teased Right with a smile on his face.

"Ngh~ Reggie hurry up~" Right whispered as he getting more and more turned on by the show and his legs quivered hard to beg Reg to hurry up.

"Shhh~ just be patient my love~" Reg cooed and he continued to strip slowly and carefully as he could since he was now 56 years old and right was 58 years old now too.

This made Right whimper and whine and he pulled his big cock out and stroked himself but was stopped.

He looked at Reg shaking and Reg spoke his head a tsks at him "naughty Hayden you know better~" "sorry love please let be mad but I need you so bad~" Right whispered as he was very impatient to wait anymore.

"Then help me strip in bed and you can do whatever you want~" Reg whispered as he licked his cheek.

He didn't have to be told twice and Right grabbed him and lifted him up by his butt and strips him fast as he could and was shaking hard and his boner was getting very unbearable.

Soon the bed was creaking as Reg was fucking Right hard and they were a moaning mess as they drooled. "Ah ah! God Reginald harder!"

This made Reg more excited as he thrusts into him harder and breaking though his prostate hard and wasn't going to stop anything soon. "AH Reggie!!" Right screamed loudly and Reg grunted as he felt close.

"God I'm so close and I can't stop it~" Reg moaned and he kissed Right deeply and stuck his tongue inside his mouth.

This made Right moan and came hard and whimpered softly in happiness while Reg moaned and came hard in Right and he felt so spent as he came a big load into him.

"G-god that was amazing~" Right whispered as he started to nod off and Reg hummed in agreement as he felt his legs and body quivered hard.

"Happy birthday Hayden~" Reg whispered as he carefully pulled out and kissed him softly.

"Thank you love~" Right whispered as he started to clean himself and Reg off and then layed Reg next to him. And soon they had fallen asleep too and cuddled close and felt so lucky and so happy to have each other.

But little did they know something about to happen to them that would change their lives forever.

Deep inside right's old male womb that was very old had a surprise for him and Reg in the next few weeks. And this was going to turn their empty nest syndrome upside down.

And it was going to be a wonderful and beautiful mistake they would make and feel more closer then ever since their daughter had left the clan to be on her own and Right felt so empty and sad by her choice.

He even wanted more kids but that never happened to them for a lot of reasons but know this was going to turn around for them and everyone was going to be so surprised!

Author's note!

Will it be for the best or will it be the worst or will it go well for them all. We'll have to see how this will work out for them and the clan and hopefully they will handle it with no problems at all and everything will be

Or will something bad happen to Reg and Right and the Tophat Clan? Oh well we will have to see!

Good luck to all of them and I can't wait to see what happen next so let me know what you think and enjoy this a lot please and thank you.

Also please don't forget to leave a comment about your feedback and tell me what you think so far cause I appreciate your support and love on my fanfics on my account! It really means a lot to me!

And please not hates or negative feelings or comments on here too cause I really want to be treated respectfully.

Please and thank you all of you and have a great day/night wherever you are and enjoy this fanfic and again thank for the love and support you all give me everyday I really appreciate it, and love you all!

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