Blood isnt the only thing falling.

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Joke smiled at her opponent, blood running lazily down from her nose; her face felt tingly where the man had punched her. Emi's eyes watered making her vision blurry, she grounded herself again, putting her arms up ready for the next swing, she would get him this time.

Aizawa swung his fist towards her jaw but it was a fant, Emi knew that, she had seen him position his weight so he could kick with full velocity. She moved closer to him sending her fist to his gut, since he was ready to kick only one of his legs was holding him up so he was off balance, the punch sent him flying back trying to find his center of gravity.

Joke laughed at this "you really let me hit you?"

Eraser shook his head "I'm only getting your hopes up, it's more entertaining to crush you that way."

"You're so mean to me Eraser" Emi mocked before running head first into him.

He went to block but she made a sudden turn and hit his side before retreating.

"C'mon Eraser, hit me with your best shot!" She teased

"If you insist" He answered, a smile dragging at his lips.

Without a single moment to breath Aizawa was on top of her, throwing flurry of punches into her blocking  forearms, she took steps back trying to remove herself from his fury.

She crouched, kicking her feet beneath Eraser sending him to the ground. She jumped on top of him pinning his fists down before he could fight back.

For a few moments the only sound was their heavy breathing.

The sweat that slowly ran down their faces and bodies suddenly became noticeable as their adrenaline wore off. Their faces inches away from each other's. Somthing stirred within them.

"I thought this was supposed to be a challenge" emi panted.

"I went easy" the man below her breathed.

"I'm sure"

Joke freed aizawa, letting go of his wrists and standing up, she reached her hand out to help him up which he took gratefully. 

They walked over to the benches.

"We really should do this more often" she said as she sat down. He sat next to her.

"You're eager to get beat, aren't you?"

She scoffed "if I remember correctly, just moments ago I had you pinned to the ground completely at my mercy"

"You got lucky"

"That's been happening a lot when I fight with you, maybe it's not luck, just skill"

Aizawa rolled his eyes.

She giggled "how many more times are we gonna train before you just ask me out?"

"More than you'd realize" He murmured under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" She bent down and looked up at his face so she could make sure he was actually speaking.

"Nothing" He responded

"Mmk sure," she sat up and reached into her bag grabbing a small medical kit. "Whatever you say hot shot; come here."

He glanced sideways at her, "what's that for?"

"It's for that nasty cut on you jaw" she grabbed her water and pulled some gauze out of the kit.
"I can't BELEED I did that" She giggled at her stupid pun.

Rolling his eyes, he Hesitantly scooched closer to her. She took the side of his jaw in one hand, tilting his head up with the other before tenderly dabing the wet cloth against the cut. Aizawa breathed in sharply, she unwillingly noticed his Adam's apple bob in his  throat.

When she had cleaned the wound and stopped the bleeding she taped the gauze onto his jaw with medical tape.
He tilted his head back down, but didn't look away or move back, he just starred. In a sudden panic Joke stood, and went back to the makeshift fighting ring, gesturing for him to follow.

He shook his head before standing up and joining her. He wasn't planning on losing this time.

Standing in the ring, right across from her, she nodded at him and he nodded back. With that, they started.

They circled each other for a few moments before Eraser threw his fist forward, aiming for her face, she ducked and hit his stomach, before he could back away she punched him in the jaw. Careful not to hit the freshly dressed cut. She jumped away before he could hit her.

"That's the best you've got?" She smiled.
Aizawa walked closer to her, he swung his fist at her again, she ducked like before and went for his stomach, unfortunately, for her, she was met with his knee; it hit her nose directly. She let out a sudden gasp. When she stood he went for another punch but she jumped back before he could reach her.

The coppery taste and smell of blood flooded her senses. The sting in her face made it hard to focus, but still she gave him a bloody smirk,
"I bet Eri could hit harder than that"

He scoffed "You're getting pretty cocky considering all that blood"

"I'm only cocky when I know I'll win, I guess that's a bad sign for you then huh?" Before he could respond she ran towards him, fanting a punch when his arms where in front of his face she kicked his shin as hard as she could.

He let out a sudden yelp as he fell to the floor.

"That was cheap" He growled

"And that's rich"

"What's that supposed to m-"

He was cutoff by her foot coming straight for his face, his arms where there to save him just in time. The blow pushed him to the ground. He rolled out of the range of any attacks and jumped up.

Emi opened her mouth to say somthing but before it left her lips he ran at her landing his foot in her stomach, off balance she instinctively reached for him to catch herself, he let her. As soon as she griped his shirt she realized her mistake, he grabbed her arm and fell to the floor rolling himself in such a way that he would land on top of her.

Not the most gracful of moves but one that often insured victory.

He pinned her wrists, and used his weight to keep her against the ground.
There was nothing for her to do, she wriggled helplessly under him trying to free herself.

"You're crushing me" she murmured out of breath. A sudden pang of sympathy made him shift his weight, she took her chance, rolling him over, he fought back just as hard and they rolled around on the floor for far to long untill they landed in their original position. Aizawa had her pinned.

She finally let her body relax,
"Do we always end up on top of each other?" She asked, trying to catch her breath. "I'm starting to think it's fate" her smile grew wide.

"Fate wouldn't play such a cruel joke" He breathed

She laughed, God no matter how much he hated it, he loved that laugh.

"And yet fate has us here, me pinned beneath you. And all you want is to kiss me"

He rolled his eyes, suddenly more sweaty than before, "who said I wanted to kiss you?"

"Well, first your cheeks aren't usually that pink, even after a fight, and your eyes"

"My eyes?"

"They want somthing, mhm how do I put it, more?" she explained.

He nodded, he did want somthing more, and he was slightly upset that she could tell.

"Why don't you kiss me then?" She shifted under him.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" He smiled. She was about to respond when he slotted their lips together. He let go of her wrists, her hands wrapped around his neck pulling him closer.

He could taste the blood in her mouth and guilt tugged at him. He separated their lips, starring at her face, bloody and bruised. He stood and helped her up.

"I'll help you clean up those cuts" He stammered awkwardly.

She smiled at him.

"Maybe we should take a shower together. To conserve water of course."  She said.

"No" His voice monotone again. But a smiled tugged at the corners of his mouth.

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