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Joke grimaced, preparing herself for a fight.

"What was that out there? You must actually be insane! Do you have a death wish? You could've gotten yourself killed- no, infact, you almost did!" Aizawas words cut through her like a knife.

He was right, she had been careless, she could've died. But she had saved those people, she had given them justice. To her that's all that mattered.

"Do you have to yell?" She sighed, not wanting to argue with him right now.

"Are you kidding me? You have reckless disregard for your life and that's all you have to say?" he exclaimed, though she did note his octave had lowered.

"Eraser" she turned to him. Her pale and bloody face made him shiver.

"I saved those people, I'm a hero, it's my job. Who cares how I did it? I could've died but I didn't-"

"Not this time" he cut in.

"I will continue to go on disregarding my life if I can save others. If I can do my job and a crowd of people, and their lives is worth more than mine" She stated.

He starred at her, his face trying to convey the emotion he was feeling but failing. The only emotion she could take from his face was frustration and a hint of anger.

"You could've died." He tried again. She lowered her head with a sigh.

"I could die any day. You know that"

He shook his head. "Why did you chase the villain? If you had been able to stop her on the roof top you wouldn't have been able to keep her there." He attempted to understand, to make her understand. If she could just for a moment understand why she couldn't run around trying to kill herself.

She nodded. "I could've delayed her, her past victims deserved justice, even if I couldn't catch her then I would be able to say that I did everything I could"

"You didn't need to jump after her, you could've still said you did everything and you would've been alive to say it" his voice started to raise again.

"I'm sure I would've figured somthing out if you haven't caught us"

"No! No you wouldn't have, you would've been plummeting towards the ground helplessly! You would've died with the villain, how does that sound like justice to you?" He said exasperated. "That villain would've taken another life, and then what? Who gets your justice? Who avenges your death? And I'm sure those victims want that villain rotting in jail not dead, so really, it wouldn't have worked out at all!"

She looked at him, lost for words. She didn't know how to explain it, she had jumped because it felt right but she knew he wouldn't take that answer.

"Eraser, the lives of the many out weigh the life of one. We learned that long ago. I did what I thought was right an-"

"What you thought was right was idiotic! It was stupid and reckless a-and ignorant! Joke, you are none of those things and yet you make the most unintelligent choice to-" He breathed in "jump off a roof!" He fumed "the lives of the many matter but think about how many more lives you could save if you live! If you died today then what about the others in the future that you could've saved? What about them joke?"

She starred, dumbfounded. She had seen him angry but never like this, she didn't know how to answer him. He was right, but she wasn't sure she wouldn't do it again if given the chance, and that scared her. So she chose to be honest and speak from her thoughts without filtering them. She was unsure if it would calm him down or not but it was worth a try, he deserved the truth.

"I wish I could promise to never do it again but I can't. It's my nature I will make stupid decisions in the heat of the moment and that can't and won't change. I'm sorry if I worried you, I really am" she took a breath "You're right Eraser, you almost always are but just because you're right dosent make me wrong, I did my job and I caught the villain. I'm alive to save the next victim, that's the best I can do and say for now" once she stopped talking she looked in his eyes and didn't look away. For a moment he just looked at her, his face changing into many emotions before landing on understandingly defiant.

A smile formed on her lips, and she took a step towards him. "I'm sorry Eraser."

"You can't be sorry when you'd do it again"

"I'm sorry for the worry it caused, not for doing it"

He nodded, he understood her and where she was coming from, in all honesty he would do the same. Maybe that's why he was so upset.

She opened her arms to him.

"You're an idiot" He whispered with only the best intent behind the words. Emi shook her head with a grin, wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm glad we settled that like big kids" Emi joked.

He scoffed. "I hate you" 

"You love me" she retorted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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