Her pretty eyed bitch

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          In the middle of watching a movie, I hit the pause button to see what time it is because it's gotten a little late. 12:43 I turn the movie down a a bit because I see that it's raining and I love listening to the rain. I sit back and start to daydream because I can't get the thoughts of her out of my head. I'm new to this school and she's made me feel so welcome and wanted. She's so fucking gorgeous, her short-ish black hair, her pretty smile, and god how could I forget those piercing green eyes. I feel like she can read my mind when I talk to her and I often find myself not knowing what she said because I'm daydreaming abt her in the middle of a conversation with her. I look back at the tv and I have no idea what's going on in the movie rn. why does that matter when I get to think abt her. I need to text her.

I unlock my phone and I tap on the folder with the message app and before I even get onto the app I see a notification pop up on my screen. "Holy shit it's her" I say out loud in disbelief. "Hey, what are you doing right now". I'm not even gonna wait I can't get her off my mind I need to respond. "Just laying in bed watching a movie, wbu?" My body starts to shake from my nerves while waiting for a response, I just can't contain myself when I talk to her it's like I can feel her taking control of me already. I quickly suppress those thoughts because I didn't want her to know I was such a bottom or she may tell people at the school.

I see here type and then stop and I get scared. "Just laying here, kinda cold, could use some company" I want to be her company so bad but what if she doesn't want me to be her company. "Yeah me too honestly" I reply. As I sit and wait for the response I'm just overwhelmed with thoughts of her. "I could come keep you company if you want?" Omg omg omg omg ok ok calm down just play it cool. "My parents aren't home you can come over if you want:)" fuck that was too straight forward. After waiting for a few minutes I see she left me on opened and I get so sad I can barely even think. I go in and start a game on my xbox to take my mind off of it and then I remember my movie that I didn't finish. I head back out to the living room all slow because the one girl I like thinks I'm weird now.

I'm almost falling asleep watching this movie. *diiing dooong*. He could that be at the do-... i-it's her. Omg she's fucking stunning, and look at her all wet out there I just want to hold her and warm her up. After staring at her through the window I get up to get the door. She walks right in before I can say anything (god the way she just doesn't even acknowledge me being here is so strangely sexy). "Where's your room". "It's umm (I look around confused because I'm so distracted by her. Pointing in the wrong directions not able to even find my own room) yeah umm, yeah this way" I nervously laugh which is something I've never done before meeting her. I lead her to my room, periodically looking back to see if she's following me (that's my excuse to get to look at her face without being weird). I can hear things jingling around in her beg and this admittedly gets me a little excited. Then when we get to my room I go in and just stand there because idk what to do with myself.

She starts UNDRESSING? She takes her shoes off and I can't help but stare at her feet, I love the way those cute sloth socks fit around them. Then she takes off her pants and oh.. my... I physically cant stop from looking at her legs. With only the most teasing pair of red lace panties I've ever seen. I gaze up and down multiple times despite seeing her looking right at me but the embarrassment doesn't settle in until I meet her eyes and instantly my face begins to feel hot and I stare at the floor, too intimidated by her glare. She giggles which turns me on like nothing else. "Stop staring at me like a creep" my mind is completely blank so all I can do is stare at her with my mouth slightly open and with "I'm sorry" written all over my face.

She rolls her eyes and hops into bed and I get in behind her and pull her close and she begins to press her ass against me and it's so hard not to get a boner from this. I can't help but try to touch it but before I can she smacks my hand away and quickly turns to face me and as she's only an inch or two away from my face "earn it". Before even thinking my words get the best of me "how can I do that ma'am" WHAT, why did I say that, you idiot, why would you say something so dumb. I'm panicking so badly at this point. But wait... she's not? She... liked? That? "Just shut up and do as I say" this is everything I could ever wanted and more I'm so excited my heart is absolutely pounding and I'm starting to get hard. She starts to reach for her bag and she pulls out rope, a candle, a blindfold, flogger, and a lighter. "Pick your poison love" just her calling me love makes me twitch and bit and I shift how I'm laying to adjust myself and she sees it then begins to giggle slightly which only makes me twitch more. My indecisiveness doesn't work out very well for me, I nervously laugh again and start staring at all the items and I remember she told me not to talk so I hesitate to answer and just then. "Times up", "wait what no what does that mean, I didn't get to pick" she starts to crawl her way onto me before *clap* her hand plants firmly against my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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