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Arden has been straining her neck trying to look at him, and every time she does, he smirks down at his book, chewing his gum with his legs spread with his hair under a cap. And then he meets her eyes and fucking winks just because he can.

Ugh. Arrogant, hot ass who surprisingly can be really, really sweet. Arden bites her lip, feeling her cheeks flush.

Kol cuddled with her every night and even bought her pads and food and rubbed her back.

He grumbled and tossed the pads to the floor, declaring, "Didn't know what the fuck you used so I bought everything, fucking hell," and he did it without her telling him to.

Also, he drove across town to get her the sugar cookies she said she wanted and threw them in her face and then cuddled with her, and she told him about cheerleading and her brother and her friends and he listened.

"Stab them," he said when she told him she almost tripped because of the freshmen staring at her. "Fucking stab them. Take out their eyes."

Arden widened her eyes. "You—that's not supposed to be your first reaction!"

He merely kissed her. "I'll stab them myself."

She must be insane, because: oh, heart. Be still.

Lecture ends, and when Arden turns to his row, Kol pushes her down on his lap when the room clears, turning the rim of his cap backward. "Seven?"

Arden grins, feeling her heart kick in her chest, hand in his cheek. "Yes. And please, please, please be nice and talk to my brother without saying the word 'fuck'."

Kol pops his gum and doesn't answer.

Arden rolls her eyes and strokes her hand down to his arm. "Tell me about your family since you're meeting my brother."

His mouth twitches. "Why, Bell. If you wanted to meet my parents, you could've just said so."

Arden's jaw drops. "I didn't—I'm not—"

"Asshole brother with a too good for him annoying girlfriend. Another asshole little brother. Filthy rich parents who still fuck each other. You're coming this Saturday for dinner—"

Arden covers his mouth, cheeks flushing. "I'm—no, not yet. I'm scared. And let's get through mine first, okay?"

Kol bites her finger and glares at her before he says, "Scared? Of fucking who? You won't die, I don't like you dead."

Wow. Some assurance.

Arden rolls her eyes and just kisses him quickly, patting his shoulder. She was already scared of him before she got to know him, but with Yvo Sandejas around? And another little brother? And his parents, two other Sandejases? She doubts they're as scary as the boys and that they say 'fuck' in every sentence, but still. Sandejas.

Arden will probably get along best with Blaise Finch, but...she shivers. Not yet.

Kol grunts in annoyance when she tries to move away and kisses her harder, gripping her neck.

Arden smiles in his mouth before pushing him back. "Seven. Later, baby."

She marvels at his frozen face and laughs before she leaves, patting his cheek.

FUCK YOU, he says in his text.

Arden laughs all the way to her next class, sending him a kiss emoji.

In the common room, the boys are waiting for her for one game before she comes up and gets ready for the wedding. They're still annoyed about her bailing on them several times this week, but the thing about her friends is that they don't hold grudges.

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