... i think i might be pregnant. I'm not sure.
I went to the closes corner store to get a pregnancy test and when i tell you i was fucking scared. This shit is crazy
I arrived back at home and went in the bathroom to check... and it said
positive. FUCK ME. I was in complete shock my mouth left wide open
The whole entire day i was thinking about different scenarios that could happen if i told brooklyn... i started to tear up
The next day i knew i had to go to work because if i didn't nia nosey ass would be right on my neck, i was weak but i tried my best to get up and get to work
As I walked in work i seen nia right away and she walked up to me and asked "Did you see the video?"
"What video?" I asked
"Shit... ari" She sighed
"What fucking video nia?"
"Someone posted a porno of you and that guy jay from the party" She said
My eyes widened "W-what do you mean?"
"See look" As she shoved her phone in my face
"Huh? How is that possible"
"I thought you knew ari" Nia said
"Na...." I said
Then i remembered it had to be jay i was so caught up in the moment i didn't realize he was recording
I quickly stormed out of the store and went in my car and immediately texted him
Me: "Nigga what the fuck"
SheWantJay: "Huh?"
Me: "Whats wrong with you ??"
SheWantJay: "Yo what you trippin about"
Me: "The video NIGGA"
SheWantJay: "Ohhh yeah😂"
Me: "Tf that shit is not funny. Your sick"
SheWantJay: "Chill out bro"
Me: "Grow up nigga"
SheWantJay: "Na"
Me: "You have to."
SheWantJay: "Shawty what you mean"
Me: "I'm pregnant"
SheWantJay: "Ok?"
Me: "Fuck you mean okay?"
SheWantJay: "Tf that gotta do with me?"
Me: "It's yours the fuck..."
SheWantJay: "Shorty you trippin, ain't nut in you"
Me: "It DONT matter"
SheWantJay: "Na bro"
Me: "Nigga your the only person i slept with"
SheWantJay: "You sure it ain't yo girlfriends 😂?"
Me: "Your not fucking funny.."
SheWantJay: "Take a dna test, shol ain't mine"
Me: "You gon come with me?"
SheWantJay: "Sure w.e"
Me: "Tomorrow at 1 pm"
SheWantJay: "ight"
I laid in bed thinking if i should tell brooklyn or not... she probably won't care anyway
I obviously didn't expect much from jay, i got caught up but i didn't think it'll get this far
I proceeded to get up and out of my nowhere my phone rang, it was brooklyn. I answered
"Hey.." I said
"I need a favor" She said
"What? what is it?" I said
"Come to my house now" She said
"No. Tell me what's the favor" I said
"Bro I'll tell you when you get here"
I put on some clothes, fix my hair and drove to brooklyns apartment
I knocked on the door and she answered
"Hey..." I said
"Come in" Brooklyn said
I walked into her apartment
"What?" I said
"I want you to quit my job for me" She said
"What do you mean?"
"Ion wanna work at that shit place no mo"
"Okay? what that gotta do with me? why ain't you just text me?" I said
"Bitch don't get smart with me" She said
"Fuck you... you just tryna argue and i don't have time for it" I said
"I'm not bro"
"You are you wanted me to come all the way over here for no reason"
"It wasn't for no reason tho..." She said
"What?" I said
"I miss you." She said
"Oh..." I said
She sighed "Fuck. I really do but i still hate you."
Shit. I have to tell her, i thought
"I'm pregnant..." I said out loud
Flirt (SXF) (GXG)
Любовные романыAri denies being gay until she finds her true self when she meets a stud. She continues to be in a relationship with her after being intimate but she meets a guy at a party , got intimate as well and gets herself into a bad situation. (Long story)