𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 - 𝟏𝟑

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It was 10 pm when Yibo got a call from Xiao Hao. He looked at Zhan who was rolling all over the bed with a big pout. He put the laptop aside and sit properly.

".. Dad.." said Yibo after receiving the call.

".. Sorry for disturbing you at this time son, it's just I am missing Zhan.." said Xiao Hao on the call.

".. Not disturbing., Zhan is awake.."
Said Yibo with a sigh. As Zhan totally ignored who he was speaking to. Keep rolling all over the bed.

For a moment, Yibo got curious thinking about why won't Zhan ask him who called. What if he had a lover outside. Won't Zhan enquiry him. Then again he doesn't want Zhan to get jealous. For him making his partner jealous is a sin. He won't Hurt Zhan. Never.

".. Ohh dear., I knew it., if you won't lend your arm or lap to him, he won't sleep.." said Xiao Hao with a heavy heart. Which get Yibo's attention.

Xiao Hao was sitting inside Zhan's room, packing his things. He felt his heart breaking to even think that his son won't be sleeping on his arms any longer. He raised His Zhan preciously for 18 years with his everything. He knew one day he has to let go of him, but he didn't know it will be this sudden. If he knew Zhan will leave so suddenly, he would have prepared his heart. Who knew it will hurt this much to be away from his precious child. He felt his heart burning terribly.

".. I think I won't be able to work at night anymore.." Mumbled Yibo but it was loud enough for Xiao Hao to heard.

Yibo get embarrassed as Xiao Hao laughed listening to him. It was first time he complained about something. He is not an early sleeper as he has lots of work. But if Zhan can't sleep without his arms then he won't be able work at night. After all how can he let the baby boy stay awake till 2 Am in the morning.
He won't risk Zhan's health because of his selfishness.

Xiao Hao who was crying lightly remembering Zhan laughed with tears. He was really worried about his son. He knows taking care of Zhan is hard. Because he has a son, who loves to wait till death for him, he changed his habits to work till midnight. Other wise the boy will stay awake till anyone put him in sleep. And he got tears again thinking that he won't be able to put Zhan to sleep. He won't be able to wake him up. He won't be there when his son need him. His son won't wait till midnight for him. He couldn't help but sob thinking how will he survive.

Yibo was totally worried when he heard muffled sobs from other side. He is aware that Zhan is loved by everyone. But he felt the heartache of losing Someone whom you love to death. He can't even imagine a life without his family.

".. Dad., I know you are hurting., I am sorry., but please don't cry., I can't face Zhan if you cry like this.." said Yibo. He really felt guilty.

".. Ahh.. I am sorry son., it's just hard., it's empty here without him.." said Xiao Hao trying to compose himself.

".. It's just a week dad., you can see him every day after a week, tolerate it just for a week.. "sad Yibo with almost pleading. He never felt the need to talk with others other than his family. But from the minute Zhan entered his life, he felt his life resolve around Zhan. Zhan is his husband. And Zhan's family is his family. He doesn't want his family to feel any type of misery.

".. Yahh.. A week.. Humm.." mumbled Xiao Hao with a sigh. Then again how will he live for next 7 days?

".. Dad., talk to Zhan.. He asked about you when he wake up.. He must be missing you.." said Yibo trying to move Xiao Hao's mind from his heartache.

".. Humm.. Sure.. " said Xiao Hao remembering the actual reason for his call. He actually wanted to hear his baby Zhan's voice.

".. Zhan., your Dad is on call.. " said Yibo holding Zhan on place who was rolling all over with sad pout.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞[ 𝚈𝚒𝚉𝚑𝚊𝚗 ]Where stories live. Discover now