random daniel seavey one shot

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He was too far gone. My best friend, the one I helped get a date to the dance for, the one who sang me to sleep over the phone when I had nightmares, the one who I thought we would be best friends til the end. I had a feeling that Daniel would never come back to me. He was some big star now, he didnt need me anymore.

I zipped up the zipper to my boots and walked outside. I took a seat in the car waiting for me.

"Took you long enough. Now we are gonna be late for church!" my mom nagged.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Come on, let's go."

She backed out of the drive way and headed toward church.

I turned on the radio.

"Don't forget to vote for who you think should win on American Idol!" the voice reminded. One by one, the top ten contestants said their name, and a hello to loved ones.

"Joey Cook!" Joey said, "Love you Evan! See you soon!"

"How cute," my mom remarked.

"Daniel Seavey!" my best friend said, "Hey to all my friends at school! Miss you guys a bunch!"

I turned off the radio and looked out the window.

My mom broke the silence, "Daniel says hi honey. He's not gone. He remembers you, I know he does."

"Yeah, sure."

"Well have you made any effort to talk to him since he had gotten there?" she asked.

"Yes actually. He's always too busy to talk to me."

"Honey I don't know what to tell you. Try texting him again."

"Fine," I agreed, knowing she would bug me until I did.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on Daniel's contact.

"Hey" I typed.

I waited for a reply. I didn't have to wait long for one surprisingly.

"Hey! you caught me at just the right time. just got out of rehearsal."

"oh cool..."

"what's wrong? whenever you "..." something is wrong"

"I miss you Daniel ok. leave it be."

"I miss you too. listen to the radio lately?"

"Yeah. we miss you too."

"oh my gosh you don't get it do you?"


Then it all happened.

A truck t-boned us, into the side I sat on. The windshields blew out and I felt an excruciating pain in my right side. The dust settled and there was silence, with the exception of burning metal. A sudden chime came from my phone, signaling someone had texted me. I struggled to stay awake, but the whole world went black despite my fight.


I woke up in a cold bed. I sat up and stretched. I was in a small room, glass for walls. I looked through, to see a boy my age struggling against two big guards, trying to get in. And then I realized.

I stood up and looked back at the place I recently sat. There lay my body, hooked up to a bunch of tubes and such. I turned back to the window and watched the boy fight to get though the giants that held him back.

I studied the boy, as he screamed and kicked to get his way. I looked closer to find the boy that I once knew.

"Daniel," I whispered.

"Let me in! Let me see her!" He screamed.

He finally pushed past and ran through the door. He grabbed my hand and kissed it all over. "Oh my gosh," he whispered.

He was pulled back by a guard, and once again, Daniel took up a fight.

My mother ran in and screamed, "Put him down! He left a singing competition to see her and he may not be family, but he sure does feel like it! I have known this boy since he was young so let him go!"

The guard put him down and he ran toward me again. He kissed my forehead and pushed some of my hairs out of my face. He turned toward my mom and muttered a quick thank you.


For two nights, Daniel stayed by my side, never leaving. I sat back and watched. What else could I do? I was basically a ghost.

For four hours it had been silent. He just sat there, stroking my hands. A bright light came from behind me. I turned to find a man in the frame of a glowing door.

"It's time. I'm giving you a choice now. Choose carefully," he said, extending his hand. "Take my hand, and come with me, your Lord, to heaven where you never have to worry again. Or you can stay, and lay back in that bed and stay with you mother, and your friend. But when you first touch my hand, or take your first breath, there is no going back on your decision."

I wanted nothing more, than to go with him. I found my feet carrying me forward. I reached out my hand to meet the Lord's when I heard a voice. I turned to see Daniel singing to me, tears stinging in his bloodshot eyes.

"I should ink my skin, with your name.
And take my passport out again and just replace it.
See I could do without a tan, on my left hand, where my fourth finger meets my knuckle.
And I should run you a hot bath, fill it up with bubbles.
Cause maybe you're loveable, and maybe you're my snowflake,
And your eyes turn from green to grey in the winter and I'll hold you in a cold place.
And you should never cut your hair because I love the way you flick it off your shoulder,
And you'll never know just how beautiful you are to me,
But maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up."

I walked toward the bed, watching him sing in his wonderful voice. The one that always calmed me. I watched as he rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, trying to keep from crying.

"And would you ever feel guilty, if you did the same to me?
Would you make me a cup of tea, to open my eyes in the right way?
And I know you love Shrek, cause we watched it twelve times.
But maybe you're hoping for a fairy tale too.
And if your DVD breaks today, you should have got a VCR because I never owned a Blue-Ray, true say,
And I've always been crap at computer games, and your brother always beats me,
and if I lost, I went all cross and chuck all the controllers at the TV,
And then you'd laugh at me and ask me, if I would be home next week,
and then you'd lie with me, til I fall asleep and flutter eyelash, legs intertwined beneath the sheets,
and you will never know just how beautiful you are to me.
But maybe in just in love, when you wake me up."

He stopped singing due to the rapid beeping coming from the heart monitor.

"No!" He screamed, "No you can't do this to me! Don't leave me!"

He kissed my hands, shaking from the tears falling from his face. He brought his forehead to mine and took my cheeks in his hands.

"Please," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, "That message on the radio was supposed to be a secret message. I missed you. Only you. Why do you think I left? Stay with me! I love you!"

In that moment I knew what I needed to do. I sat in the bed, and waved at the Lord.

"Are you sure?" he asked.


"Good girl, I knew you would make the right choice."

I layed down.

I took a shallow, shaky breath and opened my eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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