Chapter 2

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Here am I at the rooftop of the school just admiring the view of the sun.

Y/n: Ara? Who would have thought someone will sneak up behind me.

I then look at the person who was, to my surprise, It's the one and only Kurumi Tokisaki.

Y/n: What do you want from me?

Well she was bind by the skeletal arms from the ground so she can't move.

Kurumi: Is this how you treat a lady? You're a rough one ain't you~

She said teasingly towards, wierd enough I felt my heart skip a beat, but i just ignored it.

Y/n: Not really.

I then release her.

Y/n: So what is it you want again?

Kurumi: Nothing just gonna enjoy the view here~

She said as she walk beside  me and putting a hand on the railings.

Y/n: Lies, I won't believe it.

Kurumi: It's fine if you won't believe me~

Y/n: now now lady, what are you planning?

Kurumi then got close to me.

Kurumi: Oh my~ you really did forget about me all this years huh?

I then slightly push her off.

Y/n: What do you mean Forgot about you? I just god damn meet you girl.

Kurumi: You really did forgot about lil old kurumi~

Y/n: •-•? Look Kurumi, I don't know why you're saying all this stuff.

but then the alarm went off indicating a spirit have already appeared or was there?

Kurumi: Oh my~

The school then started going underground along with the students and both me and kurumi jump down the building.

I quickly turned to my astral suit and summoning my scythe.

Y/n: Do what you will do, I won't stop you.

Kurumi: So you really knew what my real goal is all this time~

Y/n: Tsk! I WAS RIGHT!

I then charged at her but she quickly jumped out of the way of my attack.

Kurumi then quickly transformed to her astral dress.

Kurumi then quickly transformed to her astral dress

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(Don't ask why I choose this picture)

Kurumi: There's no need for me to pretend then~

She then brought out a musket and a flintlock and shoot at me, I block a few shots with my scythe and just dodge the other, but she did not stop there because she she shot me with a bullet which froze me.

Gentle But Deadly kurumi x Male reader(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now