One Life Left... (Part 4)

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I really don't understand what's going on.

I can feel the blood rushing to my ears.

"Menzi, please tell me it's a joke!" I finally stammer out but sounding more exasperated than angry.

This environment truly has taken a lot out of me and I don't think I'll be able to give if it demands any more.

"I'm sure it's a small error, give me a minute to go and find out what's going on." says Menzi before stepping out the door.

The anxious wait for his return begins.

Calm down Khaya! Slow breaths. Deep slow breaths.

I shut my eyes and try to catch my breath, with a silly belief and hope that maybe when I open my eyes again my friend's body will be lying before me.

After what seems like 5 minutes of deep breathing exercises and nerve wrecking waiting for Menzi's return, I hear giggling coming from the hallway, seemingly from figures passing by but the giggling stops right by the door before it slides open.

It opens to reveal Menzi and another one of his colleagues in the same uniform who both step in momentarily.

Menzi looks up from his clipboard to make eye contact with me.

"Terribly sorry, my dear," he says with a smile, "although I did say that it was a minor error."

I give a clear look of confusion, obviously not understanding what's going on.

"Okay, let me explain. Your friend's body is in the West wing of the center which means that it's still undergoing some extensive healing procedures to help her regenerate faster."

Extensive healing procedures?

" Judging by the scars and the condition of her body, it seems like she really needs it." Menzi carries on, seemingly reading my thoughts of intense confusion.

The fog clears a bit but boy do I still not have a countless number of questions and it clearly shows in my expression.

"I can tell this a lot of information to process but don't worry because it seems like your friend really planned ahead and everything's already been well taken care of." says Menzi.

"By 'everything', do you mean the costs?" I ask.

"Costs, transport. Everything. She must have a secret stash of cash that she didn't tell you about." he says letting out a slight giggle that stirs something in me.

I feel myself calming down a bit as I look at his face and become charmed by how carefree he looks, but it is only momentary because in that moment, something else hits me!

Only when I recall him mentioning transportation do I begin to have an understanding of what really might be going on and I don't think I'll like it one bit.

A secret stash of cash would've definitely been a good idea if it didn't come from or had anything to do with Max. This has him written all over it.

He's the one who is taking care of all of Zen's expenses while she is here and as Menzi has just told me, our ride home as well. I just know it.

Knowing him and taking every chance to be in Zen's proximity, he will most likely be present as well.

The feeling inside me morphs from genuine care and concern for my dear friend to one of irritation and anger towards her.

I don't want to be anywhere near Max.

How could she involve me in her dealings with that man knowing very well how I feel about the very nature of their relationship and not to mention him?

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