Chapter 2

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It took us about five minutes or so to get there when we did the news reporters were there “miss felids do you have any lead as to who the killer is” I turned to Harry ignore “them they just want to make a story” when we got in I was introduced to Dr Eddie Lamb “hello Dr Lamb nice to see you” he chuckled “ ah why yes Miss Felids” I turned to Harry “this is agent Harry Styles ” they shook hands and then I asked “Dr Lamb may we see the bodies of these three victims” I showed him the three victim from earlier “yes right this way agents” we nodded and followed him. “here they are tragic isn’t it” I nodded “indeed, did you notice anything strange about them when they came here” he shaked his head “no agent sorry for being no help” then Harry blurted “look here, they all ate the same meal before they died”  Dr Lamb and I turned our heads “what did they all eat” he smiled like he was proud of him self “they all ate chicken, birds eye vegetable mix and potatoes and gravy” I looked at Dr Lamb he seemed to be surprised because he didn’t know that “good job agent” I said and gave him a quick smile “now doctor can we see the bodies our selves” he nodded “right this way” he leaded us to a room with all the bodies uncovered now “thank you doctor” he smiled and walked away I was looking around the bodies and I saw something that looked out of place “Harry check on all the bodies under the right leg on there thigh area” he nodded I looked at the female and he looked at the male “Alison they both have an –H on them” I looked on the female and she has an –A “mine has an –A” we both put the blankets on the bodies and walked out the office “thank you Dr” he smiled and we headed to the car “lets get back I think I have an idea on who the killer is” he nodded and went straight back to the office when we got back I called everyone to the meeting room “everyone meeting room  now” they all nodded and went into the room” they all took there seats “ok so Ezra and Aria what did you find” Aria stood up “we did find strips of blonde hair and we found a red coat at every seen no DNA or particles but we did find the hair” I nodded “thank you, great job” I turned to Mona “Mona what did the family’s tell you” she stood up “all the families were very upset and had no idea who killed them but they did have some types of drug’s in there rooms we couldn’t confirm them but they all only had that in common” I nodded “good Mona” I turned to Emily “Emily what did you find?” she stood up “well I went through all there credit cards and money withdrawals there credit cards were clean but money withdrawal money at the same restaurant on the nights they were murdered” I smiled “Harry you can say what you found out” he stood up “well all the victims ate the same meal before they died and we also found out that they all had the letters on them the female had an –A and the males had an –A” I smiled “thank you Harry, now everyone I have an idea on the victim” I stood up while Mona called all the police members into the room “hello everyone we have an idea on the victim, it’s a female in her early twenties she is blonde and would have an athletic build to carry out the bodies and dispose of them” then Mona jumped in “they all had signs of drugs in there rooms so they knew this person and trusted them but they had no signs of drugs when they died” then Harry jumped in “they all also ate the same meal so this victim is taking them out when they die and then are leaving letters on the victims an –A for the females and –H for the males” then Aria jumped in “the victim also left an red coat at every scene so it means she wears it and leaves it thank you everyone go and find out some clues” she smiled and everyone left “ok guys ill be back I’ve got to go somewhere then I went to my car

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