23 storeys

13 2 0

Will Solace could not sing.

His father was a musician, his mother's voice was angelic and his sister Kayla was a professional dancer, but Will? He couldn't dance his way out of a paper bag, and couldn't hold a tune if his life depended on it. It was like the fates were messing with him from the beginning, giving him the most artistic and creative family you could imagine, and then giving them Will, the accountant.

But being an accountant instead of a singer or musician had its perks, like the fact that Will had his own office. It was on the 23rd floor, the very top of his building, and he liked it that way, despite the long and sometimes awkward rides in the elevator every day.

He was walking to his office now, winding his way through the crowded New York street, walking around a ladder propped against the wall. He hummed an off key rendition of something his father had played for him that morning, and strode to the elevator with a spring in his step. He had just gotten the excellent news that Kayla was coming to visit him and his parents for a week. She was always busy, so he couldn't wait to finally see her for the first time in months.

The reason Will liked that his office was so high up was that nobody could see him. Nobody would ever see him dancing around the office whenever he got good news. Nobody would hear him badly singing entire albums worth of songs. Nobody would see him spill tea all over his suit. The 23 storeys between him and the rest of the world meant he could do or say whatever, free of judgement. It was his safe space.

He skipped out of the elevator and into his office, a normal, pleasant space. The only pops of color were the pictures of his family on the wall and the mug with a bisexual flag on it that Kayla had gotten him for his birthday. As soon as Will stepped inside he was singing, dancing around, the whole bit. He was so lost in his performance that he didn't notice the man on the ladder outside until he had been singing for at least a few minutes.

When he did notice, he almost had a heart attack. A few realizations hit him at once.

1) Nobody had told him the windows were being cleaned today, which had to be against some law, right? RIGHT?

2) The man looked about his age, and was devastatingly handsome, with tousled black hair, thick eyelashes that framed coffee colored eyes, and full lips.

3) The man had seen everything, and was looking at Will with an amused smirk on his (very pretty) face.

Will wanted to die of embarrassment. It just had to be the most beautiful person he had ever seen, didn't it? It couldn't have been a 50 year old grandpa or a teenager.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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