Part 1, The Room Where It Happened

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(A/n from Warrior: The title isn't a Hamilton reference, although it is a great musical and I couldn't get the song out of my head lol. And the header: BECAUSE I CAN HAHAHAHAHAH Idk what it translates to but... it was funny ok?!)

Warrior's POV

I'm so freakin lucky! I was finally able to score tickets for my friend Syameise and I front-row tickets to Ballistic Whitty's concert on Friday!

Secretly, I had a crush on Selever, and my friend Syameise had a crush on Whitty, who was singing with Selever today.

I called her.

"Hey bestie, you ready?"

"Just about, lemme finish getting dressed and stuff." Her voice was fluttery, and Warrior knew she was thinking about Whitty.

"Ok bestie, by the way you wanna do a matching outfit?"

"Sure, what should we wear?"

"I was thinking about wearing our T-Shirts from last year, you wear your pearl necklace and I'll wear mine."

"Sounds good bestie!"

"Ok, talk to you later! I'll be waiting in your driveway!"

So I drove to her house and parked in her driveway, and she walked out wearing her T-shirt from the Whitty/Selever concert last year.

Syameise's POV

I'm so excited! I can't believe Warrior and I are actually going to see them in person again! To heck, front row seats! I rushed to get ready and nearly messed up my rat's nest for hair again. I ran out of the house and hopped into Warrior's car. "Let's go, Warrior! I can't wait!"

As usual, Warrior was chomping on her Oreos. She never runs out!

On the way, we decided to get some In-N-Out. As expected, Warrior got an Oreo milkshake meanwhile me with a Neapolitan milkshake. The drive didn't last too long until we arrived at the large building where they were going to perform.

(A/n from Sy: I was actually drinking a Neapolitan shake at that moment-)

"Fangirls... Jeez, you all are insane."

The person collecting the tickets for the concert looked depressed and annoyed. They're at a concert so they should be excited! Makes me wonder why they look so dead inside...

"Hey,  what's your problem? We just wanted to come, listen to our favorite singers perform, dance maybe, but you had to be a jerk about-"

"Warrior, chill. They're probably just bored from all the fangirls who ARE insane.''

"THANK YOU" They said.

Warrior gave them a bitter look and walked inside. The crowd was screaming, and the performance was about to start. Whitty walked onstage, looking pumped and excited, while Selever was chilling.

"Hey everyone!" The cheers died down a little.

"Last year, the shared performance between Selever and I went pretty well! Seeing some familiar faces in the crowd, a few new ones...!"

The crowd went nuts.



"IM SO EXCITED AAAAH!!!" The girl behind us fainted.

"Hey, ah, Whitty, we should probably get started." Selever muttered.

"Alright. So..." He grabbed his mic from the stand and pumped his fist in the air. "WHO'S READY TO GO BALLISTIC?!"

(A/n from Warrior: Not all of these songs are canon.)

The first song played, and of course it was Lo-Fight. It was as if it was the actual rap battle, but between him and Selever instead of with Keith. Warrior's eyes lit up.

--*skip to after the song, imagine whatever lyrics u want*--

He then sang a new-ish song, and Selever was covering backup vocals this time. Apparently it was called, "Every Time, It's For You." (A/n from Warrior: cheesy, I know...) It started slow.

"Every time I get on the stage...

I think back to another age...

When it was just you and I, just you and I..."

(The tempo started to speed up)

"But that was clearly a long time ago!"

Selever: "A long time ago, ohh"

"And it's clear that you've moved on, but I want you to know"

Selever: "One thing for you to know"

(It was a really fast song now)

"Every time I walk onstage

It's for you."

"Every time I write a new page

I get a flash of memories anew!"

''And I know you've moved one without me.

And I know you've had a good time without me.

But I'm still stuck on just one thing."

Selever: "One thing!"

''And I want you still to know...


Selever knelt in front of Warrior. Usually performers just do that for audience attention, but she probably loved it.

And the music stopped. To me, the lyrics were kinda cheesy, but Warrior loved every second of it.

Warrior's POV


OH my gosh, he just made eye contact with me...

I'm gonna faint. I'm doing it.

Syameise's POV

Glad I caught her. Selever winked when she fainted. (A/n from Warrior: Cringe much, y'all?)

A few more songs were sang until her favorite, Casanova. I shook her awake, and told her it was her favorite song.

But halfway through...

Warrior's POV

 What's happening?! Selever and Whitty aren't singing, just... talking?!

Everyone was making fun of them.

"Get off the stage!"

"You're terrible!"

''Sing already!"

"Go home!"

''I want my money back!"

I had had enough. I jumped onstage with my foxlike reflexes and asked Whitty politely for the mic, and he consented.


The crowd murmured.


Whitty smiled. Most of the crowd left. The rest just went to the snack bar, but soon everyone was gone. The police showed up.

''Whitmore and Selever, you're under arrest for fraud. "

"Ok, this time I really didn't do anything." Selever said. Whitty gave him a shut-up kind of look.

"Officers, something's wrong. I think someone stole their music.'' I said.

"Alright, then you get one chance. Find the culprit. You have a month. Any longer and we will find you and arrest you."

Well, at lest we were in the room where it happened and we could help them. A squad of, total, me, Midnight, Sy, Zy, Whitty, Selever, and possibly our friends can't fail!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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