Chapter 2. I Need Answers

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"So, you're going to talk to her?" Abigail asked.

"I have to do something, Abby," I said. "If what my mother said is true, for all I know, my parents did want me. How am I supposed to ignore the fact? I just. . . I want to know. I need to know. I need answers, or I'm going to get killed. We could all be in danger. God only knows what the hell Harold is capable of. He murdered his own children. That tells me the crazy son of a bitch would stop at nothing to get the revenge he wants."

"What if he is there with her? Maybe I should go with." Abigail's eyes pleaded with mine.

"No, absolutely not. You need to stay here with Iris," I said sternly. I placed a gun in my pants and a couple of knives in my pocket.

"Are you going to kill her?" Abigail stepped closer to me with concerned wide eyes.

I leaned toward her and pecked her lips. A short kiss but strong enough to light my heart on fire. "I don't intend to," I murmured. "I just want the truth, and she knows the truth."

"But what if he's with her, Hayden? You're not thinking this through." Her chocolate brown eyes captivated mine. It wasn't easy to tell her no at any given time. I wanted to give her what she wanted all the time. Abigail wouldn't make any of this easy.

I avoided that question when she asked it the first time because I had no good answer. "If he is, I guess we won't have to worry about him coming after us because I'll kill him where he stands." I had to get away from her before she talked me out of it.

Abigail wasn't the type to give up easily. She chased me out of my bedroom. "Hayden, wait! Iris, please. Tell him he doesn't have to do this."

I sighed and turned to Iris.

Iris grimaced. "I can't."

Abigail scoffed and raised a hand in the air but let it drop. She had no argument, and she knew it.

"Don't leave, Daddy," Stormy said and marched up to me. She reached for me with her short arms.

I lifted Stormy and pecked her on the cheek. "It'll be okay, bug. I'll be home before you know it." I sat her on her feet and walked out the door. I went across the hall and pounded on Sean's door.

His door swung open, and his eyes widened.

The only thing I could think to do was intimidate him, so I grabbed him and shoved him against the wall. "Listen to me," I sneered. "I don't give a fuck what Mateo tells you. You will not kill me. None of you are smart, strong, or fast enough to kill me. You don't have what it takes to hurt me on any level. If you double-cross me, I will kill you."

"Man, I wasn't—"

I slammed him against the wall harder. "Your sister and niece are across the hall in my apartment. Watch them. Do you hear me? Watch them carefully because so help me god if something happens to them, I'll make sure they never find your body. There are people after me and if they can't get to me, guess who they will come after first?"

Sean sighed and nodded. "But I can't beat them."

"Then run," I sneered. "Don't come at me again. I'll fuck you up."

Sean nodded and swallowed hard.

"Go watch them," I said. I spun around and dashed down the hallway. My body ached in protest. I had three broken ribs and a bunch of bruises from when the car hit me. I always used to compare the flu to getting hit by a car. For years I believed that getting the flu was just as bad as getting hit by a car, but I stood corrected. The flu wasn't so bad.

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