The Dark Knight Trilogy

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The Dark Knight Trilogy

Part one:The Batman Begins

The first batman movie was named Batman Begins.The batman begins was one of the best action-thriller movie in it's time.The main characters of this movie are Christian Bale(Bruce Wayne and the Batman),Michael Caine(Alfred PennyWorth),Liam Neeson(Ducard),Katie Holmes(Rachel Dawes),Cillian Murphy(Dr.Jonathan Crane),Gary Oldman(Jim Gordon),Morgan Freeman(Lucius Fox),This movie is about a boy named Bruce Wayne that he loses his parents.This part of mvie was describes like this in the movie:One night the Wayne family decided to go and watch a show.In the show younge Bruce Wayne gets scared when in one of the scenes an actor pretends to be like a bat so he would persuade his parents to get out but when they get out a criminal comes to mug them.He realized that they were the Wayne family and evvery one in the city knew the Wayne family ,they were the ones that made Gotham City and they were the billioners in the city.They had a mansion of their own,anyways! the man tried to rob them but the father of the family didn't gave up their money so he draw out his revolver and pointed at them he asked for the third time to give him their money but the didn't so he shot both of the parents and he remained alone in the streets.Fortunately someone heard the gun shot so they found the boy but the murderer was gone.The one that got this case in the police was named Jim Gordon he gave Bruce his coat because he was so cold and shocked and of course so sad.Their mansion keeper Alfred PennyWorth was the only family for Bruce so they lived with each other untill Bruce Remembered one thing one day before his parents died he fell into a hole and a lot of bats surrounded him and flied around him from that time his biggest fear was bats that is why they got out of the show.He was sad all this years because he thought it was his fault that his parents died but Alfred kept saying that no it was that man's fault.When Bruce that was an adult now remembered all these things was the day that the police finaly found the murderer of the famous Thomas Wayne the billioner of the city and Bruce had to go to court to give his suggestion to the court for the punishment of the criminal.He wanted revenge all this years and now he woulld finaly get to meet him so he got one of his father's small revolvers and hid it in his sleeves to find the good moment to kill him.After the court when the law decided to give him all his life in prison but not death because that he was drunk and he didn't know what he was doing Bruce decided to shoot but before that another one in the crowd shot hi so he didn't murder the criminal.Rachel Dawes picked Bruce up and showed him what is happening in the subways and in the underground of Gotham City.Bruce found out that all of the city was controlled by criminal waves so he as a Wayne had to stop all this things.He decides to find a place to overcome his fear,bats,.Before all this happened he was in smuggling and he got cought.In prison someone that called himself Ras'al'Ghul.He said that if you want to be a hero for your city you have to find a blue orkide and bring it to top of the mountain in tibet and if you make it I will train as a member of the league of the shadows and then you will learn diffrent type of marshal arts and sword fighting and even meditation to clear your mind.He thought it was time to give a visit to Tibet so he searched for the blue orkide and found it near someplace of that leauge whan he arrives he was white as chalk and he was freezing if he hada jumped into a polar pool.He started practicing and he was getting better and better.The day arrived the day that he had to face his challenge.His master would dress like the other students in the leauge and he would hide somewhere between them and Bruce had to find him.Fortunetly he did and the next level was he had to face his greatest fear.There was a chest placed for him and when he opend it bats were flyiing every where so he had to stand his feet and let the bats fly around himvand he did.One day he found out tha in that place something else was happening he found alot of drugs made of the blue flower that every one that wanted to a part of leauge of the shadows had to bring.He planned to destroy that place and he did but he saved only his master that was Ras'al Ghul he gave him to a local doctor to tend him and he went back to his hometown.He toold Alfred ever thing and he told Alfred that his next goal is to build a hero for Gotham City.He was trained by the marshal arts and other arts of sword fighting.He decided to make his fear,bats,criminal's fear as well so his next goal was to go and earn a place in the Wayne enterprises to obtain more money and more experience between the people of Gotham City so when he reached the Wayne tower he introduced himself to every one in the company and he became the owner as the las remaining member of the Wayne family.He made alot of friends such as Lucius Fox.Bruce found out that his fathers built a strong suit that was used for rock climbing and he asked Lucius to give him that to make a suit for saving Gotham but Lucius asked him why?He said that he wanted it for cave exploring.He had found a name for the hero that he wanted to be secretly that means that means that no one except Alfred would no he is,anyways the name was Batman.He had to make a suit like a bat.His equipment were as fallowed:A bullet proof and strong suit,A black and bat shaped cloak the ability of the cloak is that there is gloved made for it that if you touched it with the glove it would get hard for gliding,a pair of special gloves,a strong mask that is connected to the cloak,a rope gun,a utility belt that contains a lot of Batarang,a lot of smoking bombs and normal bombs,GPS,a special communicating system that is in the mask for Alfred and Bruce,a bat communicator that is placed in under Batman's boots that if activated it will call a swarm of bats to the location of the device and it is used for destraction and other emergency situation,Heavy duty boots,a special armband that goes above the gloves that has three sharp things that are shootable,the most important thing that Bruce does his research and all the other stuff is the batcave that is the place that Bruce fell in when he was a kid,when he fell in the hole he found an entrance to that cave but he was scared to explore it.The other thing that saved Batman a lot was the Tumbler,the Tumbler is a very professional vehicle that was built for the army by the Wayne enterprises and the manager of all this equipment that was given to Bruce was Lucius Fox .Batman on his first mission against D.Crane evil mastermind failed because he was drugged by fear drug when he woke up he found out that Lucius is now joining their team.Bruce completed his goal to clear Gotham of crime but one day at his birthday Ras'al'Ghul returned and burned the whole mansion but Bruce reached the batcave so hard he couldn't even hit the password correct that he had set for the batcave,it was a D sharp and a D flat on the Piano.Ras'al'Ghul's goal was to destroy Gotham in fear with deploying the gas all over the city via the Wayne tower because it was connected to all of the underground pipes but a little help from Jim Gordon he destroyed the bridge that led to the Wayne tower via the Tumbler.Jim Gordon was now the commisionor of Gotham City instead of Commander.Bruce after defeating Ras'al'Ghul rebuilt the Wayne manor.Bruce thought that he had a good start for the Batman.

The end of part one!

Part two:The Dark Knight

Commisionor Jim Gordon founds out that after Ras'as'Ghul there is another gang in Gotham and the only trace this gang lefts behing is joker card.The only choice for the police is too get hep from the Batman.The only way to communicate with Batman is the Bat signal in the GCPD building so they activate the signal.Batman appeared after a minute that they activated the signal and they told him the whole story.The gang attacked Gotham bank and each one of them killed their partner for moneywhen they didn't need them.At last there was 2 people left when they trasfered all the money to the bus that they, had one of them killed the other.Batman found them in a parking lot that they wanted to trade the money with the drug dealers for drugs but Batman came.They had to escape so they did that Batman cought just one of them and he was Dr.Crane or scarecrow.They tortured him but he didn't say a thing.It was the new governor of Gotham City's ceremony.In the part that soldiers were marching one of the soldiers that had makeup tried to shoot the governor but he missed and instead he hit his guard.After two days the criminal master mind sent a message with the topic to Batman and introduced him as The Joker.Harvey Dent was another one that had to celebrate he was now on of the most important man in Gotham.Bruce Wayne goes to a poltical party and shares atable with Harvey Dent and their connversation starts with is Batman helping or not or who is the knight in Gotham City when Harvey Dent is helping the city while clearing the city from crime.Bruce for keeping his secret repllies that Harvey Dent is the white knight of Gotham City but when the party is ending Joker comes and scares people and even get some hstages.He did that so the Batman will come.Bruce went out of the party and came with the bat suit exactly when Joker was trying to kill Rachel Daws so Batman will come but at the last second Batman strikes him down and they capture him and put him in prison.Batman didn't expect that this man was like a ghost even his make up wouldn't get cleaned and he kept saying it was from his family that the make up wouldn't go.Batman didn't expect another thing thst this one is not like the others he alwaes hada plan and he did .When Batman gave up for that they one of the officers that was in Jokers group openned the cell door and let him escape.JOker's net plan ws to ruin Batman with kidnnaping the only one he cared for, Rachel Daws and the only hero that Gothma cared for in that time,Harvey Dent.He kidnaped them and prisoned them in a building.He planted bombs in each room that they were in.Batman accelrated to the location as soon as he heard the news but he couldn't save them before the time ran out so Harvey tried to rescue himself but he accidently lit himself in fire when he woke up he was in a hospital and half of his face burned.A nurse came and it was Joker.He gave Harvey an offer to wrk together.Harvey was mad at Batman and wanted to kill him so he accepted the offer and theyy worked together.Their plan was to build some trucks like the GCPD ones and they would pass the bridge with the name that they had Joker as the prisoner.Batan found out chaseed the with the Bat-pod and he made Joker's truck stop.Joker came out of the truck and standed in the same way tha the pod was going so the Dark Knight would hit him but at the las second Batman changed his way and braked but beacuse his speed was to much his pod flipped and Joker wa going to kill him if Commisionor Gordon Didn't hit Joker in the back of the head with a gun.The Dark Knight rised adn went to rescue Rachel but the Police thought that Batman had captured her so the S.W.A.T went to capture the Batman and they didn't listen to Gordn they had orders from higher ranks.Batman activated the bat swarm so he could escape with Rachel.When he rescued her he had one more thing to do deal with Harvey.When he reached the location Harvey had captured Gordon's family and Gordon was there.Harvey's goal was revenge he picked Jim's sonn to die first so he said that let luck decide should the boy live or not.When he was going to pull the trigger Batman throwed a Batarang and the gun slipped out of his hand so Harvey decided to jump with the boy in his hand but Batman cought Jim's som in the air but Harvey fell and died and once again Batman became the hero.Gotham was clear after all so there was nothing left for the Batman so he retired.

The end of part two!

The dark knight rises (part three) coming soon!!!!!!!!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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