[💌] - 5

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The weather was still extremely bad, but that didn't bothered Yeonjun and couldn't destroy his day. He felt so happy and excited. The grip on the small note in his pocket was tight, he feared he would lose it. No other than Choi Beomgyu should find or read them. They were private and somehow intimate, even though it were just some pick up lines from the internet, but they portrayed perfectly what the pink-haired thought and felt. Yeonjun liked cheesy things and always wanted to do something like writing anonymous notes to his crush, making them smile and happy, because it made him smile and happy. There was this kind of euphoric feeling whenever he saw the younger's reactions.

Beomgyu's beautiful smile was to Yeonjun brighter than the sun in summer and the sparkles in his dark eyes prettier than the stars in the night sky. He could look at the raven-haired male all day.

Yeonjun will forever remember the moment he saw Beomgyu for the first time in his life. It was his first school day in this school after moving here from America. Everything was new and he kind of felt a bit lost. The older was in the library to get his school books when Beomgyu entered his life, capturing his heart within seconds. Yeonjun truly never believed in love at first sight. How should it even be possible to fall in love that quickly without even knowing that person?
But Beomgyu, the pretty, delicate boy with raven black hair, completely changed his mind. Now he knew how love at first sight felt like.

Since that day, he wanted to know as much as possible about the younger. He secretly watched him and his friends in the cafeteria, saw him laugh and smile, asked other students about him, only to hear useless things like "It's better for you, if you'd stay away from him", "He's weird, leave him alone" or "He's just an attention seeker, he thinks he's something better than us, because he gets everything he wants", but those things didn't influence Yeonjun's way of thinking about the younger. He didn't believed them, he knew how cruel and mean people could be, especially if they're envious of something they don't have. The taller and older boy was to ninety-nine percent sure, Beomgyu was not like the other students described him, they obviously didn't know the real Beomgyu.

Call him naive, because Yeonjun didn't know him as well, but he was sure, Beomgyu was different. He seemed friendly, cute, maybe a little shy but he was definitely not weird or an attention seeker. Yeonjun could see the younger felt uncomfortable in this school with all that rumors spreading about him, his life and his parents.

On his way to class he passed the younger's locker and shoved the paper unnoticeable for others through the small slots. It became some sort of routine after the amount of times he did it. The corner of his lips curved up as he happily entered the classroom. "Soobin!", he called out, the younger immediately raised his head, causing the almost washed out blue strings of hair falling into his widened, tired looking eyes.

"I asked him out for a date" Yeonjun let himself fall on the chair next to his best friend and excitedly shook his shoulders, he was grinning like some idiot. Soobin blinked a few times to comprehend what the older had told him, it was just too early in the morning. He was still half asleep and tired from learning so long the other day, so comprehending things were hard and the shaking of his shoulders didn't make it any easier. "W-what?", he softly asked, stopping Yeonjun from continuing to shake his shoulders and getting a headache. "I asked Beomgyu out for a date", Yeonjun told him again, but this time whispering it to Soobin. It was early, so there weren't many students in the classroom yet, nonetheless there were already some and they definitely shouldn't know what he had told Soobin. Yeonjun didn't want to make Beomgyu's situation any worse.

"Really?" Soobin finally understood and it seemed like all the tiredness faded away. He knew how madly in love his best friend was. Yeonjun nodded quickly, the pink-haired had to bite his plump lip to hide his smile which only grew wider just by the thought crossing his mind of going on a date with the prettiest boy on earth. It drove him insane. He didn't even know if he felt nervous or excited... or both? "That's great, Jun! Did you finally had the courage to show up in front of his locker?", the younger chuckled and immediately Yeonjun shook his head. "No, I asked him through a note to follow me on Insta and he did. We texted yesterday and he was so gorgeous. My heart was beating so goddamn fast, it wasn't normal. I actually thought it would explode... Oh my God, how will I survive this date on Friday?" Yes, Yeonjun was a drama queen, or rather a drama king, but who cared? Even Soobin didn't cared anymore, he was used to his best friend's behavior and could only roll his eyes about his way too dramatic being. "Believe me, you'll survive it", the blue-haired smiled and patted the older's shoulder. "You're sure?", Yeonjun replied, eyes big and round. Soobin just sighed and nodded, internally rolling his eyes. "Yes, extremely sure."
Yeonjun may be extra and somehow weird sometimes, but Soobin never regretted helping him, because it led them to what they're now - extremely close best friends who trusted each other in everything.

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