Adam's POV
I wake up to pain waist down, thats fine though, maybe I'll take another day off today just to sleep. The morning after never feels right to me, it never has, Five probably doesn't even remember me. I have never let go of him, I feel like he's still alive just not here. I rest my hand where my necklace rests on my bare chest and Diego slowly wakes up and says "what are you thinking about?" I say "I lost someone a long time ago yesterday, I still wonder if they remember me" and he says "you're very memorable, I can tell you right now, they'd still remember you I would think." I say "I'd hope so" quietly, looking at him and he mumbles "don't worry about it right now" leaning over to peck my lips. I get up and I go to shower and once the shower is on I just start sobbing quietly, if I ever run into him again, will Five actually remember me? That's the biggest worry I've always had, he doesn't even have to like me anymore, he just has to remember what our life was like together before he disappeared and I'd be ok. I don't know what I'd do if he ever asked me 'who are you?' I don't know what I'd do with myself. I just cry as I shower then I get out mumbling "it's gonna be one of those days, isn't it?" I towel dry my hair and put boxers and sweatpants on then I go back to my bed, laying next to Diego, who fell back asleep. I bite my lip mumbling "he's cute" chuckling quietly and I eventually go back to sleep.
A few hours later
We wake up around noon and I smile, him pulling me closer. He mumbles "morning" and I check my phone mumbling "actually afternoon" and he mumbles "whatever." We chuckle tiredly and he just holds me securely against him. I mumble "you seem so familiar but I can't figure out where I've heard of you before." Diego says "I mean we did do it last night, of course I'm familiar" and I say "shut up, you know what I mean." He mumbles "I was messing with you" and starts to kiss my neck and I just let him do his thing. He mumbles "maybe you recognize my last name from my sister, she wrote a book" leaning his head up. I say "its called Extra Ordinary, right?" He says "yeah" and I say "now that's where I recognize it from" thinking about his sisters book sitting on the shelf, unread, in the other room. I heard about it when it first came out, so I just bought it but I never read it. I mumble "I've never read it though, I'll have to read that at some point" and he mumbles "it's stupid in my opinion but knock yourself out." I chuckle saying "it can't be that bad" quietly and he says "it's bad" and I chuckle saying "then I'm gonna read it and I'll let you know what I think, how about that?" He says "deal" kissing my cheek and we just laze around till two then I say "I'm kinda hungry" yawning and he mumbles "me too." We chuckle and we get up and get clothes on and I say "I have literally no food in this godamn apartment anymore, so where are we going?" He says "no clue" and we chuckle and we go to just walk the streets of town to find somewhere for food. I say "I think you're hungover" and he says "am not" and I say "you totally are" chuckling as he rubs his forehead. I say "you're hungover, shut up" chuckling and he says "maybe a little bit, shut up" and I say "told you!" He says "I said shut up!" We chuckle and we go to this place and get food, just talking till we can't think of anything to talk about anymore. He mumbles "I gotta go, I'll see you later, yeah?" I say "maybe, yeah" winking at him and biting my lip and he chuckles saying "stop it" and Diego leaves. I go home, taking a slow walk, hoping to bump into Five just like old times, walking past the Academy. Literally bump into him. I chuckle, thinking about him and all the fun we had and how much he cared, no matter how macho he was acting, he was always so caring and gentle with me. It was funny when he'd act all tough, thinking he's better than everyone, it's cute. It was kind of funny at the same time, it was just an ongoing joke with us, he was just so beautiful and funny, he was just perfect, I wonder what he's doing now. I refuse to believe he's dead like most of his family believes I would assume. I bite my lip mumbling "just come back, baby, you aren't in trouble, I love you" looking up at the sky. I surprisingly don't feel empty when I wait for a response, that's how I know he's still here. When I don't feel a void in my body, he's here. There was this point in time where I felt that void and I felt so helpless, couldn't talk to anyone about it cause no one knows about Five and I to my knowledge. I feel like the somewhat being closeted then Five and I's relationship being a secret then, on top of all that, him disappearing and no one knowing where he is is just eating me alive to the bone. I mumble "one day you'll probably just fall out of the godamn sky with my luck" as I walk into my apartment building. I grab Extra Ordinary off the shelf and I start reading. I spend the remainder of the afternoon then till two in the morning reading this book, learning about the Umbrella Academy's childhood and how it was just an experiment and bad it was for everyone. Exactly how Five thought it was all those years ago, manipulative and unfair.

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