Chapter 4

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Abu tried to wake up Aladdin and then Carpet got him up

"Oh, my head" he said then he sees no sign of Grace "where's Grace?"

As he turns around, he saw her lying down unconscious, he went to her trying to wake her up

"Grace, Grace wake up" he said and she finally woke up "are you okay?"

"Yeah but my head hurts a little bit" she said

When they looked up, he said "we're trapped, that two-faced, son of a jackal. Well whoever he was, he's long gone with that lamp"

Abu showed him the lamp

"Huh, why you hairy little thief" Aladdin said as he takes the lamp "looks like such a beat up worthless piece of junk. Hey, I think there's something written here, but it's hard to make out"

As he gently patted the lamp, it made noises and then it went out of control. Carpet took Abu and Grace to behind the rock to hide, then a giant blue man appeared screaming and Grace know that is the Genie

"Oy! 10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck, hang on the second" Genie said when he hangs Aladdin on the wall and he turns his head around "Whoa, Whoa! Does it feel good to be outta there"

Grace, Abu and Carpet helped Aladdin down and Genie said "I'm telling you, nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen. Hi! Where you from? What's your name?"

"Uh... uh, Aladdin" he said

"Aladdin! Hello, Aladdin, nice to have you on the show. Can we call you Al, or maybe just Din?" Genie said "or how about Laddie?" and he turns into a Scotsman

"Sounds like, 'Here, boy!'" he said and he whistles "c'mon, Laddie!'" and then turns into a dog

"I must've hit my head harder than I thought" Aladdin said

"Do you smoke? Mind if I do?" Genie said and he poof back to himself, making Abu scared "oh sorry Cheeta, hope I didn't sing the fur"

Then he saw Carpet so he said "yo rugman, haven't seen you in a few millennia, give me some tassles" and they did a secret handshake

Then Genie noticed Grace, he gasped and said "oh my goodness, aren't you a cutie? What's your name, sweetie"

"Umm, Grace" she said

"Grace, what a beautiful name for a cute little girl like you" Genie said when he was pitching her cheek

"Say, you're a lot smaller than my last master. Either that, or I'm getting bigger. Look at me from the side. Do I look different to you?" Genie said

"Whoa wait, wait a minute. I'm... your master?" Aladdin asked

Genie said as he gives Aladdin a mortar cap and diploma "that's right! He can be taught!"

"What would you wish of me?" Genie said and he as Arnold Schwarzenegger "The ever impressive..."

Then he said as if trapped in a box " ... the long-contained..."

Then as SeÒor Wences "... the often immitated, but never..."

Then he multiplies himself " ... duplicated... duplicated... duplicated... duplicated... Genie of the Lamp!"

Then he said as Ed Sullivan "right here, direct from the lamp. Right here for your very much wish-fulfillment. Thank you"

"Woah, woah, wish fulfillment?" Aladdin said

"Three wishes, to be exact. And ixnay on the wishing for more wishes. That's it. Three. Uno, dos, tres. No substitutions, exchanges or refunds"

"Now I know I'm dreaming" Aladdin said

"Master, I don't think you quite realize what you've got here, so why don't you ruminate whilst I illuminate the possibilities" Genie said and he started explaining to Aladdin that he can grant any wish his heart desires

"So, what'll it be, Master?" Genie asked

"You're gonna grant me any three wishes I want, right?" Aladdin said

"Uh, almost. There are a few, uh, provisos, a, a couple of quid pro quos" Genie said as William F. Buckley

"Like?" Aladdin asked

Genie told him that in rule #1: he can't kill anybody. Rule #2: he can't make anyone fall in love with anybody else and then turns into a pair of lips and kisses Aladdin making Grace giggle. Rule #3: he can't bring people back from the dead when he turned in into a cross between slimy Genie and Peter Lorre

"It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it!" Genie said as he shakes Aladdin

"Other than that, you got it" Genie said when he turned back to normal

"Provisos? You mean limitations? On wishes? Huh" Aladdin said to Abu and Grace "some all powerful Genie. Can't even bring people back from the dead. I don't know, Abu. He probably can't even get us out of this cave. Looks like we're gonna have to find a way outta here"

Genie stomps his foot to stop Aladdin, Grace, Abu, and Carpet from leaving and said being scoffed "excuse me? Are you looking at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here? And all of a sudden you're walking out on me? I don't think so. Not right now! YOU'RE GETTIN' YOUR WISHES, SO SITDOWN!"

They sat on Carpet and so did Genie

"In case of emergency, the exits are here-here-here-here-here-here-here-here-here-here-here - anywhere! Keep your hands and arms inside the carpet!" Genie said and they were zapping Carpet out from the cave "we're... outta here!"

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