The Decision

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It was fall. Izuku Midoriya sat there, debating on whether he should send him to UA, where he previously went to school before he betrayed his friends for the League of Villains.

"Hey, Dad?" A boy, no older than 15, asked.

"Hm? What's up?" Midoriya replied, deep in thought.

"Oh, I was just wondering if maybe we could do some more knife training!!"

"Uh, sure! In a second."

"Sorry, was I bothering you..?" The boy looked to the ground in guilt.

"Akuto, you have never done such a thing!" Midoriya said as he stood up. He patted his son's head with his hand and guided him towards the basement to train.

Since Midoriya was never born with a quirk, he always used his skills with swords and knives as his weapon. Akuto did have a quirk, however it is very dangerous. That's the reason why Midoriya was pondering if he should send Akuto to UA or not. Although he knew it was a school for heros, he knew it would be beneficial for his son to go. He would learn to control his quirk and find out information about those pesky heros in the meantime. It was a win-win situation.

"Dad? You're muttering to yourself again!" The tall, green haired kid puffed in annoyance. "Would you mind telling me why you've been so absent minded lately??"

"I'll tell you after today's training, deal?" Midoriya said with a smile.

"Fine." Akuto rolled his eyes.

Midoriya started to set up targets for his son. Akuto looked at the targets, confused. Usually, they just spar together.

"What are the targets for?" He asked, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

"Well," the older green haired man started, "we will be doing something slightly different. Since you're getting the hang of fighting with your weapon in hand, I thought why not work on knife throwing for a little bit?"

"Ooo!!" Akuto jumped in excitement knowing that his father was teaching him something new.

"Remember, this is used as a last resort." Midoriya said in a serious tone as he turned to look at his son. "You want to have your weapon on you at all times. In case of an emergency, you can use this technique to get away quickly."

Akuto nodded as he stared at his father impatiently. After Midoriya told him when to use this technique, he started to explain how to throw a knife correctly.

"Remember to keep your stance at a 30 degree angle of your target at all times. Usually, you would be moving or running when throwing knives, but I want to make sure you can hit targets standing still first."

Midoriya handed Akuto the throwing knife. Akuto grabbed it and took a deep breath before aiming at the target. After a few seconds of figuring out the right stance, he threw the knife.

"Are you serious??" Akuto yelled as the knife hit the edge of the target.

"It's okay," Midoriya soothed him and patted his head before handing him another throwing knife. "It's your first time. Don't expect to get things right away."

Akuto threw the knife again. Another miss. He tried again. Miss.

After another hour and a half of trying, Midoriya sighed and put the knives down.

"We should stop here for today." Midoriya said with a small encouraging smile. "We can try again tomorrow, deal?"

"How come I have to be such a failure at this!" Akuto groaned as a tear fell down his face.

"Relax, it's only the first day. It took me years to learn how to fight correctly!"

"Yeah, but you taught yourself, there's a difference." Akuto huffed in annoyance as he made his way to his room to calm down.

After letting Akuto rest up, Midoriya went upstairs to tell his son his decision.

"Hey, are you awake?" Midoriya asked as he knocked on his son's door quietly.

Akuto stirred and eventually replied with, "It's too early in the morning for this, Dad."

"You realize it's 11am right?" Midoriya laughed back. "You've been in bed for 12 hours!"


Just then, Akuto jumped up out of bed. "Are you gonna tell me what's been on your mind?"

"Mhmm." Midoriya said as he slowly walked over and sat on Akuto's bed.

Akuto looked up at him impatiently. Everytime his father thinks about something, it's usually something exciting and new.

"So," Midoriya sighed,"I've decided to register you for UA Highschool."

"You mean THE UA??" Akuto went wide-eyed from shock. He couldn't have meant the hero school! That's where he experienced all of the trauma he suffers with now! That's where All Might gave him One For All before he realized how screwed up hero society really was!


"The school for heros??"


"How? You're the number one most wanted villain! How could you sign me up for a hero school?"

"I signed under your mom's name. For now, you're gonna have to deal with your name being Akuto Yuseki for now. You are going to learn to control and strengthen your quirk while spying on the heros as well. I trust you with this. This is a huge responsibility I'm giving you." Midoriya looked at his son with worry and put his hand on the slender boy's shoulder. "Will you be alright?"

"Yeah! Totally!!" Akuto jumped with excitement at the thought of seeing the enemy right before his eyes. His first real mission!

"The entrance exam is in 2 weeks." Midoriya said as he walked out the door.

Akuto looked at his hands and sighed. He was terrified to use his quirk, in all honesty. He hasn't used it since he first discovered his quirk.

Midoriya sighed, hoping this was the right thing to do.

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