Part 1

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A/N: This AU is where the elementals are brothers... septuplets in fact. Enjoy!


"Blaze?" The soft call from his brother snapped Blaze from his reverie. He had been staring at the twinkling stars of the galaxy through the large glass window of his and Ice's shared room.

"Ice!" He hastily wiped off the snot and tears that he was definitely sure wasn't there awhile ago, "How are the others?"

Those blue eyes softened significantly, "They're fine. Just a little banged up."

He unconsciously twiddled his fingers, "And... Gempa?"

He watched the hesitance fleet across the other's face, "He's resting."

Blaze felt his eyes burn, feeling the anger and guilt re-ignite once more, but he pushed the feelings down immediately, not wanting to lose control, "He hasn't woke up...I—"

A hand landed on his head and he looked up to see Ice giving him a small smile, "He actually did. He wanted you to know you didn't do anything wrong."


"And he also told Hali not to be too hard on you."

Instead of relief, Blaze found himself scowling and slapping his hand away. Anger, resentment, horror, guilt—all trying to swallow him up and he couldn't help how overwhelmed he felt, "Just STOP IT!"

Ice frowned, "Blaze—"

"You're angry at me too, right?!" Blaze yelled, backing away from him while trying to hold back the temptation of just throwing a fireball just to emphasize how he felt, "I couldn't follow simple orders—I—"

He watched the others' face blurred and he felt tears trickle down his face.

He remembered how it had all started from a mission where they had to retrieve a power sphere in another planet. The power sphere had, surprisingly, the same name as Gempa as it was called "QuakeBot"—causing powerful tremors across the planet. Their Commander had decided that the mission was top priority and urgent since the whole planet could not withstand the endless shocks and was on the verge of being destroyed. He therefore asked for all hands on deck.

Yaya, Ying, Gopal and Fang were instructed to help with the evacuation of the aliens living there. While the septuplets were in-charge with retrieving the destructive power sphere.

Blaze had been excited. He rarely got to go on missions. His brothers usually think he goes overboard and can be a little out of control.

Though, Solar used to be far worse before—like that time when he wouldn't listen to anyone of them during that fight with Captain Vargoba.

After getting blasted out to space (Gempa had freaked at that time), he eventually learned how to get along with everyone and to participate with everyone's plan instead of relying on his own strategies.

And because of that character development, that put Blaze back to the top of the list of someone who would less likely be part of missions.

"I don't think we need everyone to search for the power sphere. We already localized the area where it could be hiding." Gempa had said as they gathered for a proper plan, and Blaze had known where he was going with this, "Blaze, Ice. You're with me. We'll help with the evacuation—"

"NO!" He had exploded. Most of his brothers rolled their eyes, already expecting this kind of reaction, "I want in on the search too! You can't keep putting me on the sidelines like this!"

"Blaze, this isn't about having the coolest mission. There are lives at stake here! Hali and Solar will be fast enough to scout the area while Taufan and Thorn will be able to check the areas that most of us can't reach." Gempa had said sternly and Blaze had to bite back a retort when he knew it always just backfired when he does.

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