The. WHAT?

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I blink a few times.

"A date?"

"Yeah, after we close up, we go somewhere, get a few drinks, stuff our faces with food. If you're fine with that of course."
Triz Muttered, looking down at her shoes.

"Sure, that would be nice"
I pull out my phone to let Hermione know that I'll be late in a way that she won't find out what's going on.

"Great! Let's go when we finish closing up." She enthusiastically quickens her pace, while I was stuck there thinking "what have I done?"

* * *

"You fine back there?"
Triz looked back at me from the front of her motorcycle, we were riding down the road, going up to the speed limit.

I answer her question by mistakenly letting out a high-pitched yelp and hugging her waist tight as if it was my lifeline, in a way, it was.
"Where are we going, anyway?"

I could feel her torso contract as she laughs, that laugh was kinda hot, I'm not gonna lie.
"We're going to this really good place with amazing french toast, Blaine showed it to me a long time ago, you're gonna like it"

"If you say so"
That conversation calmed me down a bit, now I'm not holding onto Triz for dear life.

* * *

We enter a small establishment, just a little larger than Cafe de Emperador, the place doesn't have many customers at the moment, perhaps because of the late hour, the quiet of a late-night restaurant is somewhat pleasing, a well-dressed person leads us to our table, took our orders and left.

Making jokes to each other while we waited for our order and laughing at each one, no matter how stupid. there it is again, that smile, that damn smile.

"You're staring" Triz smugly grinned at me, it's like she's reading my thoughts word for word, I quickly avert my eyes to look at something, anything other than her eyes.

"Sorry it's just that you look pretty just now– wait no! Well– you do look pretty..."
My nervous stuttering led her to put her finger on my lips.

"Calm down, I got your point"
She lightly laughs with a mildly flushed face.

* * *

The night went on when our orders came, we talked over the food we ordered, laughed at her jokes without punchlines, after we finished eating, she took me to a fairly wide park situated near the bay.

"Look up there, Triz, those stars look really pretty without clouds in the way"
I point to a spot in the sky.

"Yeah, really pretty" Triz replied, she went on and listened to my ramblings about the stars and how Hermione used to tell me that stars are fairy lights in the sky that people hung too high and now they can't get them down.

"Your sister must be good with children"
She looks up at the patch of sky I pointed to.

"Yeah, she did watch over me from when I was a kid to when I moved in with her"

After quite a bit of silence, she asked
"Did your folks not like how you looked?"

I ponder on what to say to her, do I sugarcoat it to not worry her or avoid lying by just being honest? A bit of both should be fine, right?
"I can't say, on one hand, my mother hated it and blamed it on my sister, on the other hand, my father wholly supported me, he even bought me a sweater that I still use as my pajamas"

Triz pulled me up, she widely smiles as she tightly gripped my hand.
"Come on! I have a cool thing to show you"

She takes me to another place, an arcade, a big one too.
"Play the night away, it's my treat"

I knew she took me here to help me get my mind off of the heavy switch of topic earlier, I challenged her to a game "Bet I can beat you at air hockey"

"Oh you're on"
I pull her inside, going to the nearest air hockey table we could find, and as she said, we played the night away.

* * *

Sitting outside of the now-closed arcade, Triz and I guzzle our large drinks, chuckling our asses off, I think we might have had one too many sugary drinks.

"I hope you had fun tonight, Charlie"
She didn't even bother with the straw as she chugged her icy drink.

"Are you kidding? I had the time of my life! Haven't let loose like that since I graduated high school"
I jump into her lap to hug her, my forehead touching hers, our faces barely a centimeter apart, I could feel the cold effect the drink had on her breath, it chilled my cheeks, realizing what I did, I hastily and awkwardly jump off of her.

"It's getting pretty late, your sister's gonna be worried about you"
She refuses to meet my gaze, a good thing too, I can't have her seeing what face I was making.

She ended off with "I'll take you home" when she took out her motorcycle keys.

* * *

We stop outside of Hermione and my apartment building, it showed how late it was by the silence of the surroundings in contrast to the never-ending bustle of the city, and unlike the city, the area was dark, with just two street lights illuminating either side of the street.

"I Had fun... Thanks for taking me out, Triz" I hop off of her motorcycle, the awkward air still evident between us.

"That's good... that's good, I'm glad you had fun... so. see you on Monday?"
Managing to look her in the eye, I nod, judging by the hot sensation in my ears, I was blushing, I only hope the environment was dark enough so Triz couldn't see it.

"see ya"
Sending a smile her way before she leaves, she returns it before riding off, I waited until the sound of her motorcycle faded into the background before I eventually went home myself.

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