How it started

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If someone asked Rin how the hell did she somehow became a part of the plot of her favorite anime, she would've told you that you are delusional, and she couldn't do so. Except, it wasn't that impossible after all. She still remembered the circumstances that led her in this unfortunately known for her world. It was something straight out of the plot of a reincarnation manhwa. She was walking back home from work all too happy, feeling thrilled that she would finally return home to her mini Munakata plushies when something unexpected happened. She was just about to cross the road at a green light when a speeding car came out of nowhere and crashed into her, making her fall on the ground in a pile of her own blood. The last thing she remembered was the frantic voices of the driver and his companion mixed with another person asking her if she is okay. Which, practically, she wasn't because soon after exhaustion filled her, and she closed her eyes, welcoming the comforting darkness.

So when she suddenly opened her eyes and came to the realization that she was in another world with her own body and mind somehow transported there, she felt utterly shocked. At first, she didn't know where she was or what she was doing there, but about a few hours later, she managed to adapt quite well. She was inside the world of her favorite anime, 'K Project', where she could finally meet the epitome of her obsession, but at the same time, she felt scared. What was she supposed to do now? How was she going to survive here?

"Why the hell am I overthinking things again? I thought I already got rid of that habit of mine." Rin mumbled to herself,  getting up on her shaky feet. The ironic part about her reincarnation here was that she found herself in the same position as she had died; meaning she was lying on the ground in the middle of the road with a pile of blood beneath her.

She was lucky it was midnight. Otherwise, people would have caught her, wondering how the fuck a corpse suddenly became alive. A question to which even Rin didn't know the answer. She felt too tired to utter a single word, but at least she still had enough strength to go somewhere safe of prying eyes. As she sat in the dark alley staring into the sky, she let out a heavy sigh. 

"I wonder when we are going to meet, my favorite king." She muttered with a smile on her face, deciding to close her eyes and rest for a while. 

Unfortunately, her rest didn't last long. Around mid-morning, she felt a presence next to her. It looked like the person was checking if she was still alive before letting out a sigh and dialing someone else's number.

"Awashima-kun," the voice was deep, soothing, and calm.  Almost like... "Please prepare an ambulance and come here right away. I found a person lying on the ground just outside of my apartment, and it looks like she is severely injured."

In her foggy state of mind, Rin managed to hear him perfectly. She slowly opened her eyes, blinking at the figure crouching down next to her. She barely could see him in the dark, but the streetlamp was giving her enough opportunity to catch his dark locks and white framed glasses.

Wait for a second. Did Rin hear him correctly? Did he seriously say outside of my apartment?!

No way! No way! Rin's breath hitched as she stared with wide eyes and a hanging jaw at the man, feeling as if her heart was going to burst out of her chest.

"Am I dreaming?" she asked stupidly to herself, finally managing to catch the man's attention. As he turned his head to look at her, she could see the concern in his captivating violet orbs, which made her realize this wasn't a dream.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired." 

"That's good to hear. I'm Munakata–..." Rin didn't let him finish, which surprised not only him but her as well.

"Munakata Reisi. Yeah, I know. My name is Rin Tahoma, and you could say that I'm your fan? Yeah, let's say that's what I am." She said confidently, nodding her head as if to confirm her words. Closing her eyes in a relaxing manner, Rin rested her head on the brick wall behind her.  "I can't believe I got the chance to meet you so soon. I thought I would've to wait before that. Heck, I just got here and now I'm meeting the epitome of my obsession. This is crazy. "

It was visible she was preoccupied rambling to herself. That's why she failed to notice the shocked expression on Reisi's face and the way his eyebrows shot up to his hairline. She just got here? She was his fan? Fan?! What the hell? And most importantly, she was obsessed with him?

But before he could utter a single word or ask her to elaborate, he noticed how her head was lulled to the side, and she was snoring quietly.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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