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today the boys we are filming a video of for sidemen Sunday all the boys where up and ready in the house and where all where just eating some cereal in the kitchen excitedly seeing there where filming a part 2 of there tinder video they had no clue what ladies where assigned seeing there camera person picked them out the camera man knew that there was going to be this one girl they would love but never told them that they all hoped in there cars heading to the building they rented out for this video they all arrived and went to set everything up all the girls end up coming but are hidden from the boys.

the first girl gets called and says her name age and where she is from to the camera the boys start giving her pick up lines then its time for her to leave the next girl gets and all the boys clap there hands when she walks in.

Tobi pov 

all the girls where pretty it was the second last person and she was pretty but not my type and she said her name was Olivia i think the boys liked her because they clapped her in  we all said our pick up lines she gave me a yes witch i surprised but didn't show it we all lined up for the last girl we where all waiting and then this tall skinny tan girl walked in all the boys clapped load and whistle and said god damn i was amazed she was the most beautiful person i have ever seen i think the boys could agree with that Ethan was first he was still surprised on how gorgeous she was she then turned to the camera and said hi my name is y/n and I'm 22 years old and from London she had a gorgeous voice and name she then turned to Ethan and he started.

y/ns pov 

there i stood in front of all these really attractive boys they cat called me when i walked in witch i didn't mind because i boosted my confidents i told the camera my name and age and where i was from i then turned to the ginger in front of me

" hi I'm Ethan I'm 24 years old and are you a campfire because your really hot and i want s'more" he stood there you and the boys giggled and you said yes.

then the next boy walked up he looked very nervous but still like the first one very attractive 

" hey I'm Simon I'm 25 years old and do you want to play shark attack i eat you and you scream" all the boys then fall to the ground laughing and  jumping around you smile at him and say awe i feel bad if i say no your really cute he blushes and you say okay go on then and go to the yes side.

the next boy walks up and he is tall attractive dark man he looks you up and down and likes his lips you just smile and then he says 

"hi I'm jj I'm 25 years old and how about we play the lion game you get on your knees and i throw you meet" he seemed a bit cocky about himself and everyone was laughing you laugh and say no everyone laughs at him and he walks to the no side you feel bad and say sorry he says it's fine 

the next guy steps up he is around the same Hight of the previous dude but has facial dude you think he is attractive he is shacking a little but has a basketball in his hands you where confused but he starts talking 

" hi I'm josh I'm 25 years old and can you please bounce this ball for me" he hands you the ball and you start bouncing the ball "next time can it be my balls your bouncing" you parse him the ball back and everyone is rolling on the ground or crunching down say wow you then say bold but yeah sure why not you say as you point to the yes side he goes there and another dude walks up to you.

he is a very good looking white boy with piercing green eyes you can tell he is really nervous you realise he has great style he rejust how he is standing he takes a deep breath and starts talking 

"hi im harry im 23 years old you know what would make you face hotter ..... with my dick inside your mouth" everyone is jumping up and down saying omg and saying dang you then say awe you are cute but that was a bit much so im gonna say no but im sorry he says thats okay and walks away to jj on the no side

a shorter man walks up but still attractive he gives you a smile and a small wave you wave and smile in return he blush's and takes a deep breath and starts talking 

"hi my name is vik i am 25 years old the word of the day is legs lets go back to mine and spread the word" everyone says omg and he says sorry to you and you said its okay you for him to go to the yes side everyone claps for him.

then when he moves you see this very attractive darker skinned muchly man walk up to you you smile at him and he smiles at you he takes a deep breath and  starts to introduce himself.

" hi my name is Tobi and I'm 25 years old  damn if sexy was a crime you would have life scents" everyone says awe and you blush and say yes he smiles at you and he walks to the yes side jj then walks back up and ask for another chance you say yes 

"hi I'm jj I'm 25 years old and I'm jealous of your heart because it is pumping inside you and I'm not" everyone runs around the room jumping up and down he just stands there smiling you laugh and you say no and he walks back to the no section.

you are walking out back to the lobby of the building to sigh out till you feel a tap on you shoulder you turn around and see josh standing there you say hi to him and he then says 

" hey I'm sorry but me and all the boys think your really cute and where wondering if we can all get your number and possibly meet up and go on dates with you" he says nervously you say yeah of course and  you pull out your phone and ask him for his and he says yes and types his number in your phone he finishes and hands back your phone you smile and say well see you around he nods and you walk out of the place back to your car.

next part joshes pov [ page 2 ]

word count 1172

and you can give me any recommendations and i will do it 

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