Happy 20th Birthday, Shiloh!

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The date was September 12th, 2021. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Shiloh Woldernaut (Vivid Bad Squad Miku) can be seen talking to one of her friends Sterling Champion (Vivid Bad Squad Len) and his girlfriend Idina Sage (More More Jump! Rin) on Zoom.

Vivid Bad Squad Len: Hey, Shiloh. Happy birthday.

Vivid Bad Squad Miku: Thanks, Sterling.

More More Jump! Rin: So, do you have a boyfriend yet?

Vivid Bad Squad Miku: Nope, but I'm still looking. Anyways, Idina, I'm bisexual. So I can date a woman if I wanted.

More More Jump! Rin: Right.

Vivid Bad Squad Miku: By the way, did you 2 see the news yesterday morning?

Vivid Bad Squad Len: What was so important on the news yesterday morning?

Vivid Bad Squad Miku: A truck crashed into somebody last Friday night. Apparently, the guy was drinking and driving. He got arrested on the spot for that.

More More Jump! Rin: Who was the victim?

Vivid Bad Squad Miku: Somebody named Tucker Holmes (Prince Of The Stage). He's 17 years old, he's a Len module, and he currently works at the post office. Dr. N said to Sydney that she found Tucker seriously injured and unconscious.

Vivid Bad Squad Len: Oh man...I hope he's okay...

Vivid Bad Squad Miku: Me too. So, do you guys want to go with me to Lois's cafe?

More More Jump! Rin: Yes!

Vivid Bad Squad Len: Are we going to see Trevor (Vivid Bad Squad Kaito) and my sister Stacy (Vivid Bad Squad Rin) there?

Vivid Bad Squad Miku: Yeah. They said they'll be there.

And so, Idina, Sterling, and Shiloh left Zoom.

And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Vivid Bad Squad Miku. I'll see you guys in the next story!

Vivid Bad Squad Miku And Brand New Street (Miku)'s BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now